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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. And Trump and the Republicans are going to be enraged that Putin was retaliated against in such a draconian manner
  2. It's like the Russians are playing a fucking video game... That's clearly a war crime
  3. She was in a camp. They don't even have a fence
  4. I would like nothing more than him getting to meet Jesus... in fact, include the whole damn family
  5. And then they'd have a large prayer group to rejoice in the second coming of their savior, who promptly raids all the churches for their gold for his next home decor
  6. Yeah, that's a special penalty of impeachment... Is certainly wierd
  7. Could you imagine paying ANY money to meet Trump? Any money at all? You can still hold the office of President if you're a convicted felon...
  8. Makes sense. I could see him in a USP for that. Just curious, was it a short sentence? If so, he's either got a long record or he pissed off enough people by beating all their charges that they upped his custody level. Maybe he did some years and was upped for conduct. I don't know, but people in ADX are almost always lifers (except those with serious assaults on staff, or others, but they usually go to a step-down program...) But I digress.
  9. In ADX for weapons charges? Maybe he's in Florence, but not ADX
  10. I would think that incumbents, especially in deep red districts, and are unopposed by Republicans, have a great shot at being reelected. But I'm not in Texas and don't know if he runs unopposed in primaries, so I could easily be wrong. But that would be my guess as to how he has a job
  11. Only for the unvaxxed, though, right?
  12. Ted may be a lot of things-- like we probably all agree, a complete pussy-- but nuanced? I'm afraid that's a leap I just can't take.
  13. So which is it? Ted Cruz is a brilliant politician? Or Ted Cruz is a spineless idiot? Or is he such a 4d chess player that he's both? Regardless of either, or, or both, he has and will always be a pussy
  14. Probably a better return than NIL, right?
  15. You forgot Junkanoo... I'm very disappoint
  16. Just watched "the swamp" on HBO... HOLY shit he goes from almost likeable to complete piece of shit in 90 minutes. It's almost as if he was a human, but failed because he was living in Trump sperm And then when he sees that Buck from Colorado is telling him he just fucked up, there's the biggest change in his idealistic demeanor. Fucking worm
  17. Wouldn't this be the fastest demise of the party, though? Is not like Trump would spend any of the money he siphoned off for any electoral purposes
  18. In the video description it has links to chapters. But if you just watch the first of the chapters, it's rinse, repeat I didn't watch 12 hours, but that's part of the joke
  19. Ha ha ha ha ha check out Tim Hiedecker's send up of the Joe Rogan podcast... It's 12 hours long, and they literally say nothing of substance.
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