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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Thank you for the info. I will pass it along
  2. Is it legal in Texas for a company van to have basic car insurance? A contractor with Texas plates and the van is insured in Texas hit someone I know, and that person is having a hard time with the contractor, because he will not respond to his insurance company. So, the insurance company is telling the guy he hit that they can't do anything until they talk to the contractor. So my friend is thinking of leaning on the company for help, and was thinking it might be good leverage if the company van is basically breaking the law in that way.
  3. Of course, he clearly said he armed everyone around him... he may not have given arms to insurrectionists, but he did clearly say he armed those around him
  4. Ah, it was just a dream. So real that I was trying to remember what parts were true and what parts weren't. I dint really get that a lot so at least there's that. It's one of the byproducts of a very strange life.
  5. I just woke up from the most fucked up ptsd inspired dream I've had in a long time. It was actual memories mixed with more fear inducing events mixed with psychotic thoughts and parilyzation...
  6. Like if we had another Trump presidency...
  7. I wish that she signed a deal with a royalty and that we could bleed her dry by playing that bullshit over and over but it looks like she licensed it. Fuck that dumb cunt. I can't wait for these Fuckers to die
  8. Or it could serve to provide a second shirt to ditch your first shirt to avoid arrest
  9. Can't be a wind machine... his hair is still on his head
  10. How many times until it becomes an habitual offender felony traffic case?
  11. The correct answer is when she dies.
  12. I'm glad you feel that way, but I would guess around 35% of this country would rather be Russian assets than American In fact, I would say the percentage could dwarf 40%. The reason for this? According to some, it's that some people want freedom for only one party, or type of American. Even if you think this is false, the zealots of the right wing are still working on ways to poison this country with any number of extremist ideas in order to never have "the other side" get any credit for any good thing. You could have saved a person's life in extremely unusual circumstances, and 35% would claim you had evil intent
  13. Social cohesion... like focusing on freedoms over responsibility? Maybe the rest of what you wrote makes sense in some strange framework where money is more important than you think, but we have a different root cause... "We are losing what could be called our societal immunity,” argued Dov Seidman, founder of the How Institute for Society. “Societal immunity is the capacity for people to come together, do hard things and look out for one another in the face of existential threats, like a pandemic, or serious challenges to the cornerstones of their political and economic systems, like the legitimacy of elections or peaceful transfer of power.” But societal immunity “is a function of trust,” added Seidman. (Disclosure: Seidman is a donor to my wife’s museum, Planet Word.) “When trust in institutions, leaders and each other is high, people — in a crisis — are more willing to sublimate their cherished rights and demonstrate their sense of shared responsibilities toward others, even others they disagree with on important issues and even if it means making sacrifices.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/08/opinion/spotify-joe-rogan-covid-free-speech.html P.s. I can't remember which poster put this up first, but it really is a great find, and I thank you for it
  14. And just think about all the dumbass shithead stoners who were huffing leaded gas. Did that shit get passed on through the DNA? Or does it just make you that much more stupid if you're being raised by morons?
  15. And this is why Trump loves putin and Russia so much
  16. https://www.newson6.com/story/621f8983241e310727dbdacb/proposed-bill-would-allow-kids-with-contagious-diseases-to-attend-schools I can't believe I moved here
  17. If I knew anyone that watched this shit I would definitely end up not knowing anyone who watched that shit. The biggest problem is that his viewers probably believe that he wasn't supporting Russia even though he directly said he was. I don't know how one would combat that shit. You show them clips of him directly saying something, then saying the opposite, but they only believe the last information they were given... I only pray that tucker ends up having them drink cool-aid, and they all go Jim Jones into history
  18. Isn't Shaq their spokesman now? They ousted that guy like 2 years ago
  19. Unpossible. He's a lunatic as well
  20. And Trump and the Republicans are going to be enraged that Putin was retaliated against in such a draconian manner
  21. It's like the Russians are playing a fucking video game... That's clearly a war crime
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