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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Castle doctrine? There's going to be a shitload of shit to unpack before this thing is over, but the victim will be put on trial first. Then all of the people at that house will have to cry for the camera to try and win the media trial. Then I guess we see what happens if it goes to court.
  2. It's probably self defense because assault. Hell, I'm no attorney, but if he gets charged and takes it to trial, he'll need to cry on the stand
  3. Englewood says hi while lakewood is waving...
  4. You have a really dainty hand
  5. Question: what about someone convicted of a violent felony killing someone with a gun that was attacking him or her?
  6. Is it not legal to draw a weapon? At what point is it legal to have a weapon drawn? In the face of someone who has a weapon drawn, is that illegal? Asking because I don't know
  7. I'd bet dollars to donuts that's prosthetic
  8. Cross posting this that I posted in another thread. just wanted to say, I just watched "alive" last night. It's an ESPN e:60 story about Drew Robinson. I don't know why but I haven't really slept well since my first post in this thread. Maybe dredging all that shit up. But I watched that last night and it seemed to settle me down in my head.
  9. Came here to suggest this. They're not going to put her on diesel therapy. Sad as it seems. It's not that bad... it would be worse to be in some gen pop where she would have to fend for herself. Diesel therapy sucks because you're constantly being transferred, but for my money, I'd bet it would be worse on her to actually have to try to get along with others for 60 days
  10. No. She was on federal bond so they just continue it and you can self report. If you dint self report it's considered a absconding. I think that's a few years at least added to a sentence. No. It'll be a prison camp. It'll be within her region. But until the region assigns it she won't even likely know. No. See above
  11. Change of venue. They could prosecute in other circuits.. take it to each circuit where the defendant resides Change of venue. Or even violate speedy trial because of extenuating circumstances, then agree to speedy trial if they agree to change venue They aren't charged with any codes or laws of the US, so they have no right to a speedy trial Speedy trial rules are tough to circumnavigate by the prosecutors, unless there are extenuating circumstances that allow them to violate habeas. I am thinking if they changed venue it could be easier to try them all. But I'm not a lawyer at all, I just have a shitload of experience with the feds.
  12. I watched the first half of that video... still waiting on some facts. Like someone above said... when is she gonna promise us better lunches and free sodas from the vending machines?
  13. These are all true. But not really the worst. The worst is the complete dehumanization
  14. I'm not sure. It was that way at the shag I think. I dunno. I've slept since then
  15. I thought we weren't supposed to link to threads there? @immamac?
  16. That's not what I'm saying at all. My opinion is my opinion. That's it and that's all. I get you disagree and that's fine. We don't have to agree.
  17. Yeah, I get the negs, I really do. But people in a traumatic situation go into shock, while people adjacent to it go into hysteria. She is making statements that are just not real. The fear is real, but the claims are not Yes, that's true. But her statements are over the top. I'm not saying it's not a severely traumatizing event for those students and teachers there. I wish we had better gun policy in the United States. I would never want my kids to go through that. But she's still pouring it on thick I'm not a woman. But I've been in several situations That are stressful like that and traumatic. But it's always the people that weren't there that make these claims... it bothers me because they blast it to 20 and make these statements. Her husband's classroom wasn't a crime scene. Yes it was harrowing for her husband and for those kids. Yes it's really something that should never happen. Yes it's horrible, and yes we need to solve it. But no, her husband's classroom was not a crime scene. I just get tired of the dramatics of those not even involved. It's cheap, and it takes away from the trauma of those who were there.
  18. Well, if you read it, he has a fucking point. Our political system is fucked. Completely.
  19. Well, she seems a bit histrionic, considering her husband's classroom isn't part of a fucking crime scene, unless the person shot through the fucking floor. Everyone is a fucking attention whore when they are crime scene adjacent. Not taking anything away from the students and that teacher who supposedly heard it all, but for fucks sake with the fucking drama
  20. Yeah, but ffl's queries are to the FBI/ATF who take days to verify the request and the information. How would we have everybody's information on gun rights accessible to the public? Instant information is most likely damaging to people's privacy. Could one access that information on someone who didn't even apply, just so they could know the status on individuals? If someone could easily access the ability for someone to own a gun what else would it take for anyone to just access that information?
  21. And what do you think about the privacy of people's personal information? You think anyone could set up a public use database for private gun sales that would be secure enough to work? Hell, our credit reporting companies can't even secure that data. There would have to be some real considerations of how people accessed that information.
  22. Funnily enough, I used to know a biker that he rode with back in the late 70's. He wanted to get a patch really badly. He got busted in a deal with drugs and guns and turned snitch. Now he's made his fortune doing the same thing, but he had to do it in Hawaii for the longest because, and these aren't my words, but if he did it in the continental u.s. because he'd have been killed. I think he finally outlived all the people that wanted him dead
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