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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Wait just a dog gone minnit. Them are all things Trump have did! Ah, well, hoo cares. Abortion.
  2. I don't know... I fully support this walkout. 47th ranked teacher pay, while being in the top 15 in pay to lawmakers. The unfettered Republican idea taking this state straight to the bottom
  3. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    I'm sorry, but all the reasons you list as being a republican? Yeah, that's not really a "thing" anymore
  4. That's fucking amazing. New Yorker magazine going hard. Can't wait to see our wanna be beloved leader respond
  5. Oh, and might I add... I hope those vegans get e.coli and die. How wonderful would it be to get a small hibachi and grill some recently murdered flesh outside each of their houses day and night.
  6. Tortious interference doesn't describe this situation. It works in a much different way. Say you and I have a contract where you buy my dick drawing service. Thujone comes along and steals your business from me because he offers dicks at a cheaper rate. You violate our contract to buy dicks drawn by thujone. Thujone knew you were contractually obligated to buy my dicks, but went ahead and talked you into violating our contract. I could sue thujone. It's probably more clear in a situation of pro sports management. If someone had convinced Prince that his record company was using him as a slave, like maybe the Nation of Islam or some other entity... Then Prince refused to then fulfill that contract, then they could then have sued the Nation of Islam
  7. That's not my point at all. I'm just speaking about the effectiveness of the law impacting a segment of the intended purpose. I'm neither for or against gun control.
  8. Yeah, there's no penalty that would stop any sophisticated criminals. Maybe that would stop some shill purchases, but really... Unless it's Registered gun, it would make zero difference
  9. I should help, but I have a hard time with the figurative. I like to deal in the literal. So let's see it burn
  10. Just pointing this out, but it's almost impossible to regulate private transfers unless you're going to build and maintain a complete registry of all firearms. That will be a doomsday item for most gun owners
  11. I just use a seasoned egg wash with panko to fry the white. Then fill with filling. It's pretty easy, but one suggestion: fry them a bit darker than you think you should so the breading won't fall off the egg.
  12. That's my wife. Still the baddest
  13. Well fuck, Donald, how's that gonna fucking help anyone? Hey look... Ol trumpy bear is raising awareness with a bunch of fucking empty words.
  14. As to the sidebars in the conversation, this sums it up for me
  15. A true dumb question, I assume... But what happens to the data when I update an app? Say I have an app that is like 500 mb. Then there's an update I need that's 10 mb. How come the app then doesn't before 510 mb? I'm assuming the update changes some data and etc., But does the app end up growing too a much larger size over years? Also, does the app Purge data after it's updated?
  16. I can't log into shag on tapa anymore
  17. I thought there was audio of cops saying to "mute" right before the audio was gone
  18. I thought that's what a pick-up game was?
  19. Ever tried fried deviled eggs? They're pretty good
  20. I haven't seen any of this shit because I don't have social media. She attacked him with a tweet? Like out of the blue? Then he struck back by notifying her advertisers of her attack on him?
  21. Every time I try to respond to a thread I've already responded to it is pulling up my last response. I don't get it
  22. My great uncle was an engineer at Boeing. He went over to Japan before WW2 and helped them to make airplanes. At least that was a story he told me when I was a kid.
  23. SKJ


    AMSR? ASMR? AR15? Some shit like that is supposed to be good.
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