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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. Daughter just got her license a couple weeks ago
  2. Correct, you have to pay for private instruction of have your parents teach you
  3. Beautiful kiddos, enjoy every moment
  4. Little kids, lots of little problems Big kids, one or two big problems. The big kid shit is hard because you can't just solve it for them. That's the hardest thing about being a parent, wanting to help, wanting to fix, but not being able to do it for them.
  5. I don't have any sage advice to offer, but just know that we're here even if it's just a place to vent. Not sure if you're located in Austin, but if you are and you want to grab a beer or 12 and talk football to take your mind off of shit DM me. Parenting is rough, life can be rough, but your heart is in the right place, you love your family and that's what matters.
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