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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. Didn't something like this happen at a pride parade in Florida recently?
  2. I think no one really knows yet. My understanding is that boosters increase antibodies, which prevents illness from ever happening. Those wane over time, but your body still has immune memory should you get infected. When that occurs, it still takes a while (3-5 days) for your body to remember how to make the antibodies. You can still get sick, but your body will know how to fight it and prevent the serious hospitalizations. If you're somebody who can't ever even get sick, boosters are probably the correct course of action. But if you don't have any co-morbidities, you should be okay with the normal dosage. Of course, time will tell on that. I got a lot of that from the following Atlantic article, and it was retweeted from a lot of vaccine equity docs and scientists, so there's likely some of that slant to it. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/americans-are-losing-sight-endgame/619916/
  3. Yes, they do. They're in the upcoming section and not sitting in my expired part of my digital wallet with all my airfares and old events ..
  4. I bought stones tickets for the original COTA show last year. Got a refund, but the tickets are still in my digital wallet and look like every other digital ticket I've ever used. Any one else had this situation and tried to use the ticket? Did it work? I'm thinking of it's still in my wallet on Saturday, I'm going to try it. Worst case is I drive out to COTA with their shit traffic and parking and I get turned away when it scans. Best case is I see them for free.
  5. Well, aside from AISD's mask mandate, what else would've expired at Official Stage 2?
  6. Official Stage 2 would've nullified the mask mandate for AISD. So...
  7. That wr has better touch than both our QBs
  8. This is Surly, do you think we're chock full of lawyers of neighborhood? Because we are.
  9. Is this the biggest win for Rice Basketball?
  10. Here's what I've learned this week from Surly: - Don't mow other people's lawns. - When you get to the back gate, turn around for candy or a monkey might bite you.
  11. Does that monkey have any eligibility left? That's the kind of nastiness we've been missing on the o-line.
  12. We got an email from our pediatrician saying they expect it to be approved and they're taking appointments for Nov 6th, but would do it earlier if it gets approved earlier.
  13. Everything about this story is awful and heart wrenching Tattoo the boyfriend with "I beat an 8 year old till he died" across his chest before sending him to prison forever.
  14. That would be impressive. Our (Austin) backslide from the peak of Wave 2 hospitalizations to the start of Wave 3 was 7 months long. The downward trend for Wave 3 started around 8/25. If there's a wave 4, I doubt it'll start in 2021.
  15. How early does the Waco Pappadeauxs open?
  16. That picture was taken by, you guessed it, Russell Lee.
  17. We showed up to my 10 year olds well check last year and they said he needed to get his second MMR vaccine again. Our kids get a flu shot or flu mist every year and apparently when he got his second MMR shot at age 4-ish, the flu mist he got a few weeks prior had "invalidated" the second MMR shot. They only recently caught it because they had changed over to online medical records and it got flagged in the system Your MIL's cardiologist might be wrong, but I had a somewhat similar situation that I also thought was stupid at the time, but there might be some validity to it.
  18. Here's the verbiage from the county judge that allowed the mask mandate to get reinstated in Travis county. I'm highly skeptical they will keep to the criteria they originally laid out because "what we're doing is working!"
  19. That gives me an idea... How can I invest in Thomas J Henry billboards?
  20. I took my 11 year old to his first OU game yesterday. This was my 30th. Concession lines were nuts, but I had my fill of 3 ticket beer earlier. Would've loved a working water fountain to refill my 2 ticket water bottle. It was hot. Going to the dungeon restroom was probably our best chance at catching covid in the last 19 months. ... but of course I'll be back next year, because it's fucking perfect. (unless I die of the covid I caught in the humid ass restroom)
  21. Lincoln Riley's "safe words" are in pig Latin
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