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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. Every time I see Cal this comes straight to mind
  2. Maybe I’m drinking kool aid, but a guy like that with Demeco in his ear could thrive
  3. https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/nfl/titans/2023/12/17/tennessee-titans-houston-texans-oilers-uniforms-derrick-henry-afc-south-mike-vrabel/71845456007/ Tennessee Titans looked cool, but they don't scare anyone in AFC South anymore
  4. Elaborate please This above, he was screaming and hollering like a fan
  5. Andre Ware on the radio broadcast was hilarious at the end
  6. Bud, Amy, and Tennessee kindly go fuck yourselves and fuck yo couch bitches
  7. Tunsil seems like he doesn’t give a shit
  8. so they're just going to ignore the blatant holding there, great
  9. fucking rage over the uniforms, Titans are shit
  10. dont think that was a catch, ball was moving
  11. Perhaps he could get a job at a landscaping company in Philadelphia to pay them.
  12. Quick Google search reveals no blind congressmen from Georgia
  13. Just found out about this show and binged it, fantastic.
  14. How many teachers could you place for $75.5m?
  15. Is there money in the wreath fund to cover a cameo?
  16. Sucks that Tank went down. Hate to see it but Trevor Lawrence looks like he fucked up his ankle pretty bad.
  17. She dated Hamm or the racist Figurelli?
  18. So 2 weeks in a row the refs fuck the Texans
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