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Jersey Man10

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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. When I was a kid I was laying in bed face down and I kept feeling a tickling on my chin. I would brush it off and go back to bed and repeat. Then I felt that maybe it was something else so I turn on my light and there is a giant cockroach on my pillow. Luckily I I have glasses and was blind so I couldn't see it in detail. I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and crushed it and flushed it down the toilet. Just last week I opened the door to my bathroom and I felt something fall on my shoulder and I looked around and couldn't figure out what it was. Then I saw a roach run past my feet trying to escape. Stomped that little fucker. But yeah fuck roaches.
  2. I'll take the money and become an aggy fan so I can laugh at the disappointment.
  3. Fuck off cunt. This thread has turned to shit.
  4. I hate when I get interrupted... I'll have the #2 with no onions... IS LETTUCE TOMATO PICKLE OKAY????
  5. Anyone got links or images of shooting aftermath? Don't give a shit about political bs your opinions don't matter.
  6. A scene in a crowded city street or block that you know is crowded af in real life but in the movie its practically empty and so easy to get around. Fuck off.
  7. When you line up your papers perfect to staple them and you smash down and boom no staple.
  8. Bought the 4k version. Great movie with awesome visuals and fight scenes. 10/10
  9. For some reason the right one always falls out of my ear .
  10. For some reason the right one always falls out of my ear .
  11. I wanna go to the opener again. Should I just like a couple weeks before and buy some on stubhub or go ahead and buy them now?
  12. Should I go ahead and get tickets for the opener or just wait?
  13. Being in my seat before the previews even start when I go to the movies. It's usually why I prefer to go alone because my friends usually don't give a shit and arrive late.
  14. I'm tired of people sharing these fucking posts...
  15. /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />Can't see it on tapa so here we go .
  16. When food is brought for everyone at the office and nobody covers it up when they're done getting food. It pisses me off to no end. Fucking flies or bugs can get on it or some asshat could sneeze or cough. Just cover it damn it!!!
  17. Double cheeseburgers don't have tomatoes on them wtf
  18. Shit I'd rather be vic because at least he's getting some.
  19. 100% chance that is not going to happen. Rey picked up the broken sabre and took off on snokes shuttle while kylo was unconscious. She had the medal in her possession? Rey and Chewie fixed up the falcon. Easy to debunk.
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