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Jersey Man10

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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. Tapa is working again thank god now I don't have to work.
  2. I'm surprised we had posession so much. I was sure USA would have the ball more. Glad we got the win. Bradley, Altidore, and Pulisic can suck my Mexican cock. Good game.
  3. Did anyone see that guy try to run on the field and get stopped?
  4. Lmao some dude tried to run on the field and got tackled
  5. Unfortunately she's more of a wait until marriage girl. So maybe it's not worth it.
  6. When I'm ordering food at the counter and the dude makes a joke that I don't get at first.
  7. I saw a shit ton of bullshit on Saturday nights against Costa Rica I don't give a shit at this point.
  8. It wasn't really fragrant. He had to grab him because Mexico was out of position and there was a high possibility that Haiti would score. Good foul.
  9. We'll see on Sunday if you can even make the final bitch.
  10. Haiti hasn't done shit. It was in the box with contact. Valid penalty.
  11. Shut the fuck up. We almost lost to Costa Rica because of the refs bullshit. This is karma.
  12. Man I hate extra time this sucks.
  13. #noerapenal That was fucking horseshit. Ref was Panamanian as well fuck him. I hope Panama gets fucked.
  14. When I tried magnums for the first time and it fit me perfectly.
  15. Cars with no tint. How can people live like Savages?
  16. Pura vida my ass. They getting fucked
  17. Arguing with the sideline ref after being given a warning from the ref on the field lol
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