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Jersey Man10

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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. Haha yeah if they had just stayed put the result would be the same. Hell that thief dude would still be alive (assuming he died).
  2. I still can't believe it...then I remember its aggy and it all makes sense.
  3. Kylo was hurt dumbass. Also he was toying with finn until finn got a good hit on him. After that kylo took him down in seconds.
  4. Top 5 for sure. 1. Infinity War 2. Iron Man 3. End Game 4. Civil War 5. Spidey But then again I haven't seen ALL of them.
  5. I had to block because my phone data is slow af and take forever to load all of phlegms posts.
  6. I have a feeling palpatine created rey to destroy the Skywalker lineage (Ben Solo). But in the end she won't do it so Rey and Ben end up fighting Palpatine.
  7. It don't make a shit we still gonna win.
  8. When parents let their stupid kids order at the drive thru or any fast food place.
  9. Do you even "Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love" bro?
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