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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. Those are all trash for sure but I think refusing to apply the plain language of the constitution solely because of fear of MAGAts takes the cake.
  2. Wow that's really pathetic of the University. What they wrote clearly came from a good place and was barely even pro-Palestinian.
  3. It's going to go down as one of the most poorly-reasoned pieces of shit the court has ever produced. I thought they'd try a little harder to hide that they decided the result first and then worked backward.
  4. Story will be weaponized against Biden anyway.
  5. Fuck, I had no idea about the missing family stocking, much less the dandelion. This is what I get for staying in my MSM echo chamber. Anyway, definitely voting fascist now.
  6. I can't even imagine how devastating and enraging this is for Smith's team. They've consistently been on the ball and keep getting rewarded with bullshit. History will frown on Merrick Garland for dragging his feet. Smith should've been appointed on inauguration day.
  7. Exactly right. It's fucking unbelievable they're answering a broader question than is necessary to resolve this case. This question would only be appropriate if the facts were such that every single one of Dotard's criminal actions in the indictment could reasonably be seen as part of carrying out his duties as POTUS. Which is obviously not the case here. What a fuckin joke.
  8. Today's Rs are basically the Taliban with cross iconography.
  9. This is one of those things that keeps pissing me off even more the more I think about it.
  10. SCOTUS will be overruling this any day now with their Colorado ruling.
  11. Not at all necessary. Everyone knows it's a laughable question that only a shamelessly criminal clown would raise to delay proceedings. And the COA opinion is unassailable. There was a 0% lifetime chance of a circuit split on the issue. Face it, the SCOTUS sold out the country to do a favor to one man. Super cool that we have 4 completely unethical motherfuckers on the court who refuse to recuse™ despite having obvious conflicts and bias.
  12. Court really selling out the country and basic justice with this move. All to protect their boy. Everyone knows the immunity claim is bullshit. COA was unanimous and wrote a flawless opinion destroying the dumbass question. There is no reason at all for SCOTUS to take this case. Accomplishes not a damn thing aside from ensuring mango Mussolini doesn't get tried before election day. The combo of their: 1. refusal to take this case when Smith tried to get them to do so months ago, 2. taking 2.5 weeks to say whether they're taking it, 3. setting it for 7 weeks from now when the issue is dead ass simple and the facts are universally known makes it so fucking obvious. They've fully disgraced themselves and the court and ruined any remaining credibility they had.
  14. How can anyone hate Bryan Cranston? I knew you were an anti-dentite.
  15. I used to be a moderate independent. Then one of our two parties self-immolated, leaving me a Democrat. Same goes for a ton of other posters on this board. Perhaps we need a separate thread on how anyone can still be an independent at this point.
  16. It's always hilarious to me how, despite their experience of being dumber than almost everyone throughout their lives, the dumbest people have absolutely zero doubt that they've got the real info that the rest of us sheep are missing.
  17. The fact that all these congress critters are so fuckin desperate to keep their seats should tell us they're being paid way too much for the amount of work most of them do. We should knock em down to minimum wage and then we'll see who really wants to serve.
  18. I doubt @incredulity is motivated by anything MAGA can do for him. It's likely more about MAGA making sure those people get less. Or he just needs a warrior against the woke. Truly those are the only possible motivations.
  19. The party of traditional family values strikes again. What a wholesome American family those Boeberts are.
  20. Highly recommend that. Some pretty deep stuff in there for a comic strip. And the way Calvin's imagination is depicted often made me revisit my own inner world from when I was a kid.
  21. Co-GOAT comic strip with The Far Side.
  22. No, I believe he said Haley easily wins the general if he does.
  23. The gig is to enforce the laws, not some whacked out interpretation of the Bible.
  24. Last week I heard an interview with Peter Zeihan where he predicted that Trump will win neither Texas or Florida. Probably just a fantasy, but it's a glorious one. I'm ready to get hurt again.
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