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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Matuka

  1. anti-hail defense system from two weeks ago when baseball sized hail was forecasted
  2. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if cops tell each other to say "I'm tired" if they shoot someone they shouldn't have.
  3. Imagine John having to show up at 7:00 am every weekday in BFE for two-a-days in August. Gig wouldn't last very long.
  4. Any prospective employer that does a social media background check on Justin will cease the employment process immediately. And wouldn't that be funny?
  5. Have Barry Switzer buy it for you.
  6. Give us Bru this year, then firm up the rules if necessary.
  7. I would imagine the ultimate goal is for the AAF to get the NFL involved enough that they end buying the league with the current majority owner making a little jack from the transaction.
  8. Does this mean he's not doing any more school closings?
  9. Yeah, but does she know how to skin a buck, run a trot line?
  10. As mentioned before, UT’s PR department did not release any details, Associated Press requested records which UT was obliged to produce.
  11. A couple of my favorites: -- "Delusions of grinder" --"Constables are really the tilapia of law enforcement"
  12. That was Coach Tom Foolery from Lollygag High
  13. 3rd diagram shows a “cigar locker” on the ship. Was that actually a room to store cigars/tobacco?
  14. This. Stem cell treatment is being used more and more it seems. I see it being used in worker's comp treatment these days.
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