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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowtownHorn

  1. I do not look forward to updating this once conference play starts.
  2. Enjoy the tailgate today Surly fam. Bummed that I can’t be down there. Shotgun a beer or two or three for me. Hook’em!
  3. @JesusSweatDuck @MissingInAction @immamac @ztejas @Tex48 I was there…I came in last place shotgunning. So I have that going for me, which is nice. Got more on my shirt than I did my mouth…I know, I know…that’s what she said. Sorry @Viper…not sure how we missed you in the group photo.
  4. @CowtownHorn and @CowtownHornJr will be by at some point before the game. See y’all tomorrow! Get ready to shotgun some beers @JesusSweatDuck!
  5. ULM Alabama UTSA Tech West Virginia OU Iowa State Oklahoma State Kansas State TCU Kansas Baylor Bowl Game
  6. Hope this changes this year. Three straight years of conference play officiating bullshittery doesn’t have me feeling too confident. 🙄
  7. I agree. I don’t think there’s anything I looked more forward to when I was kid than watching the weekly episodes of Inside the NFL. He and Nick Buoniconti made such a good team. That show was mesmerizing for some reason. During the show I would draw pictures of the NFL helmets. Back when the NFL wasn’t pimped out like a WWF/WWE match.
  8. Just want to give a shout out to this guy since we’re 10 days away. Those weren’t the greatest years for UT football but those 4 wins over OU were pretty damn awesome. I was in attendance for 2 of those 4 wins. My years in high school aligned with his years at Texas. I wanted to be just like him so I wore number 10 as well. The pass to Johnny Walker in the last minute of the 89 game is one of my favorite memories of the RRS.
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