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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. i liked the part where herc was driving with the kid, full speed through new york (?) for about 15 minutes without seeing another car or person or light on or anything. my wife was like "just drive to a police station" and i had nothing to counter that. yeah, we're a couple episodes behind.
  2. i assume this is a first-time question, but i saw poll results on "do you think joe biden was legitimately elected in 2020?" 65% said no. which actually seems low for republicans. these 65% will die thinking they witnessed mass cheating and corruption to flip a federal election. americans are the worst.
  3. polls are going to get crazy once trump wins the nomination.
  4. the one on cnn just now: so you're caucusing with the republicans? yes, this year. so previously you caucused with democrats? yes, in 2020. so who are you voting for tonight? nikki haley. who did you vote for in 2020? donald trump.
  5. he does that even for elections he wins.
  6. it's on her own ig.
  7. i was gonna say food/travel but it seemed too believable.
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