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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. By the same logic as Tesla being worth more than its next five competitors combined.
  2. Well thank you to 52-80 for coming in and correcting the record that everything is actually fine and nothing is wrong (just don't go reading your posts in the inflation thread lulz)
  3. I want equal access and opportunity. What people do with it is their choice. But once again, I must point out that you are lying and putting words in my mouth. I have never once said that. You and the rest of the businessbrainbois have repeated that to each other enough that you've conviced yourself that it's true. You should really work on not lying and misrepresenting people as a matter of course.
  4. Lots of employers intentionally give employees 32 hours weekly specifically so they don't qualify for benefits and are forced to the ACA marketplace - which is not a magical "fix everything and give coverage to everyone" solution as you are framing it. It's just another place to buy an insurance plan from an insurance company that exists only to stand between you and your care
  5. Newsflash: shit ain't like that anymore. Healthcare should not be tied to employment.
  6. Well I'm thankful we are at the point where we can drop the pretense and acknowledge the growing and intensifying tend of using """religious freedom""" as justification for segregation
  7. So uh, what the fuck is up with Israel shooting up an aid station giving out food?
  8. I get that, but we literally had a war over white folks thinking they should own black folks, complete with laws specifying white folks as the only folks who could decide shit. It's not playing the race card, it's acknowledging our shared reality and the effects that history still carries today
  9. I do understand that Apple Maps has somewhat turned a corner and is no longer directing people off of steep cliffs, at least
  10. But wait, there's more! https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-son-sex-tape-tyler-1874680 Tyler Boebert "supposedly made a sex tape" with a fellow suspect who was a female minor, according to an affidavit following his arrest.
  11. Yes, more personal attacks. At least you're consistent.
  12. Microsoft getting into the game with divergent LLM behaviors too! https://www.firstpost.com/tech/microsoft-copilot-ai-wants-users-to-worship-it-or-face-army-of-drones-robots-cyborgs-13743177.html
  13. More often than not, engineers and ops folks will have super comprehensive scripts to do sweeping changes to an environment, but they're only approved for nonprod or development use. I'd bet that much of the expedited process was simply cutting through the red tape and QA cycle, since the mission was lost anyways if they did nothing. Not the best way to operate indefinitely, but it's very useful during a crisis
  14. This feels like someone saying "well if Tony Brothers really wanted to help them, he would have shaved more points!" No duh it could be worse. It could always be worse. The problem is that it's happening at all, and that it's occurrence is incredibly damaging to the basic concept of a single justice system - not the two tier justice clown fiesta we've been observing for a fucking while now.
  15. That's some top tier trolling 52-80, to cherry pick phrases from a post and return to them solely to misrepresent your opposition as a straw man that you can more easily attack. I swear, it's remarkable the extent that you and incredulity and the rest of the surly IDW will lie to yourself and each other about what posters have posted. Fatty still thinks I use tiktok as an authoritative source for info after he read it from the monkeys flinging poo in the business board for chrissakes lol. With your 3rd bullet point, you're just simply accusing your opposition of doing what your "side" is actively doing, and trying to take away women's autonomy. There's active debate on several state legislatures about how "pregnant women have fewer rights", and it ain't the states seeking to reduce income inequality lol. You're just trolling at this point, I can't believe someone could earnestly hold the positions you do and understand what others have posted to be as you framed it.
  16. But I have been assured repeatedly that the supreme court is not in the bag for trump? Why else would they be dancing to the tune being hummed by the fascists and working to drag things out as long as possible? If the court was trying to help out trump, it would look nothing like this, right? RIGHT??
  17. You should post that to the crypto 6sJ thread - they're always looking to hitch their wagon to go to the moon
  18. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, the little DDR mini game to call in an orbital strike or turret or reinforcements is a fun mechanic. Plus the guns are fun to shoot and it's satisfying as hell to shoot endless hoards of bugs and bots
  19. The US healthcare system is great if you have a shitload of money and can afford fast passes for all your procedures, appointments, etc etc. Try taking care of a parent through a degenerative disease requiring lifelong specialized care, you're gonna get the runaround ad infinitum from your """healthcare providers""" (health insurance) as they hope they can run the clock out on your loved one rather than pay for care.
  20. There was literally a bill on it last session of the state lege and the Dallas Morning News published an article about how it could affect recruiting https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2023/04/21/will-texas-efforts-to-dismantle-dei-risk-ncaa-compliance-for-college-sports/ fuckin chuds pushing culture war anti-DEI politics potentially coming in and affecting football croots, the simulation has truly gone haywire
  21. Counterpoint - there aren't any small and reasonable houses to buy if you look around. If you want small, you're renting or got extremely lucky with your timing on buying. Hell just on my street in the last couple years I've seen a few small older homes with a nice yard get knocked down and replaced with a t-bone neighborhood of nuts to butts townhouses DAE avocado toast???
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