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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. We seriously need a new pitching coach
  2. Chris Beard is always Frank and Ernest with women. In New York he is Frank and Chicago he is Ernest
  3. That fella whose head was found had a note attached to the ear It read, I ain’t got no body!
  4. If RT was Asian those glasses would make more sense, and the moody center would have that strange fish sauce aroma
  5. So far this spring Bregman is hitting like a real shiksa. He is going to leave a lot of silver on the table if he doesn’t figure it out.
  6. That mentality is going to keep RT and DP comfortable for another three years isn’t it? No swinging dick coach gives two shits about what happened to the last loser ass hat. They are tossing the nameplate on the door in the trash or saving it as a souvenir.
  7. Blummer said they don’t like running, to be fair they are only paid hundreds of millions… so
  8. Let’s Go! It’s only spring but f’ it. Need a sports team to get excited about. Don’t want to pump sunshine want to watch a game and believe I am watching a quality product.
  9. Who rapes harder Baylor or the Big12 Refs?
  10. Fire all coaches that blow leads across all sports, so sick of this crap.
  11. Hakeem Olajuwon Clyde Drexler Beny Anders Reed Gettys Larry Micheaux Micheal Young
  12. This team looks more interested in taking Mustache rides than hitting all these mustachio pitchers
  13. Hill’s football camp Ad: Lady’s sign your kid up for Tyreek Hill’s football camp and in nine months your child will have a sibling to play football with for life.
  14. LSU may not cheat but they sure play the part. OU SUX LSU Swallers
  15. That’s a fine cap there little lady.
  16. I would be interested in any gently used leather belts All Day is selling
  17. So glad to see him lose that slappy style swing, big ass boy swinging like a Punch and Judy hitter, that was so cringe, I’m sure they wanted to fix it before, but no one wanted to say anything because of his rookie season and all that came with it.
  18. Very flat shot, would be blocked by anyone taller than 5 foot 5. 6.0 for making the bucket.
  19. Once RT gets his guys in place. I would like to see an ACU avenge rematch.
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