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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/01/trump-wants-revengeand-so-does-his-base/677147/
  2. Last July we were in Vegas. Stood in line for the taxi stand, and the next one up was a Mustang Mach-E. Hey, I hadn't ridden in one, so I was gonna ask the cabbie a few questions. He liked it, but said the range was absolutely terrible once spring rolled into summer. As he said that, I noticed on the dash it had 56 miles left or something like that. He said that in the spring he could get 250 or so miles out of a charge, but he was now getting maybe 100 or so in the heat. Said it really wasn't suitable to serve as a taxi in the summer, because it took too long to recharge. I'd imagine sitting in a taxi line with it being 110+ and the ac on is just destroying range as well.
  3. Meanwhile, Tesla is having issues charging at one of their locations due to temps: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/dead-teslas-oak-brook
  4. It's because of those damned Mexican kids Biden lets go to school in Texas! -Collin County GOP polling officer and proud Trump voter, probably.
  5. This does not sound optimum: Arizona AD Dave Heeke has called for a meeting in the next half hour with the players. The meeting will be with the perspective of those with the ear of the NIL collective and the players. There’s a standoff between both sides as the NIL collective wants Brent Brennan and the players want Johnny Nelsen. Things are coming to a boiling point
  6. Meanwhile. the Speaker's church has an Ark, and they are having some water damage issues:
  7. Oh, just wait and see. He could lose the election and still be a national nightmare. Considering the GOP will hold the house until (presumably) January 2025, there's absolutely no telling what might happen between election day and then.
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