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Duane Moore

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Duane Moore

  1. Vince seems like he’s having fun
  2. Wild thing about that 1990 season was that our OOC schedule was Penn State, OU, and a Colorado team that split the national title that year.
  3. I must have missed the meeting where we were “pounding our chests” because we were “the new Bama” when we hired Sark.
  4. Love it. Go in like Ric Flair as the NWA Champ to Jonesboro, AR, Valdosta, GA, or Anderson, SC and tell all the yokels how our shoes cost more than their car.
  5. Apple Turnover game was a 35-17 loss. I won’t be happy about that result, but let’s just say I’ll be able to move on from it pretty quickly, assuming we don’t have any injuries.
  6. Yes. And then Baylor played UNC in a bowl game where they ran the ball every play for something like 600 yds rushing.
  7. Other than that play I thought Richardson looked better than Ford, Bush, or Gbenda on Saturday.
  8. Just watched the condensed version and focused on the inside LB play and you are right. Ford looked terrible, which is not good because we need him to be at least competent out there. Several times he made the right read and could have made a solo tackle to shut down a play and every time he whiffed. Jett Bush was at least not awful. Richardson probably played it best and had a couple of decisive plays on the ball carrier, then chased down the QB on a scramble that prevented a first down. I’m not sure what he was reading on their TD run, almost like he was supposed to blitz the B gap and the inside handoff ran right past him.
  9. Since Saban got things rolling at Bama in 2008, they have played an intersectional OOC game against a “name” P5 program in the first or second game every year except for the Covid year of 2020. I’ll exclude Duke in 2019 because it’s Duke. That’s 12 games in all. In those games, Bama is 12-0. The closest margin of victory was 10 points (33-23 WVU in 2014 and 34-24 VT in 2009). The largest margin of victory was 46 (52-6 USC in 2016). The average score was 36.2-12.6. The median margin of victory was 22.5. Takeaway? Bama is extremely good at winning these games, and typically does so in comfortable, but not humiliating fashion.
  10. “Family member is sick and prayers needed” gets a horns down emoji? What in the world?
  11. Dunlap saying that ULL was a “similarly bad” team comparatively to ULM makes me question his analysis in the rest of the piece.
  12. Is that Liucci? He’s longer-winded than Ian Boyd.
  13. Disappointing to see that grade for Ford. We need him to be consistently in the 70’s all year.
  14. These rankings seemed reasonable until I got to us, and now I have a hard time taking them seriously:
  15. This. I am not so much concerned by the result of next week’s game as how we respond to that result. A few years back USC got blasted in the opener by Bama and rebounded to win the Pac12 and Rose Bowl. I don’t expect that for us but nothing I saw last night tells me we don’t have the talent to go 8-4 in a down league.
  16. I don’t think Sorrell is a “great” one, but he looked like he could rack up 7-8 sacks across the course of the season against some sub-par OL’s in the conference.
  17. UF fans doing the “U” hand sign upside down
  18. Just gotta hope all this youth will gel by mid season and we finish strong. Gonna be a bumpy road to get there.
  19. You’re right, General Patton, thanks for the pep talk. We’re gonna kick their ass.
  20. I’m starting to fear this is what we will look like against Alabama next week.
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