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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Maybe it's because I'm older, but the Heisman doesn't seem like it means much to fans anymore. They should seriously consider making it a free for all position-wise instead of QB heavy. Let a dominant lineman possibly win. Defensive players having a 50-50 shot to win. Would be a lot more fun to follow throughout the season.
  2. Also with Penix's flaccidness as a runner, I'm thinking we need Sorrell and Burke to let their nuts hang and create sacks.
  3. That really sucks re: Derek Williams. But with a month to figure it out I expect/hope for us to manage.
  4. Now more than ever due to transfer portal, stability with the coaching staff is vital. I'm sure after the playoffs we will see a raise/extension for Sark and a bump for all assistants. Make it so.
  5. Wonder who had TM had the gun to Richard Justice's head when he wrote that.
  6. Yeah, that's just wishcasting from people that don't want to see Texas succeed. Like dago said, same shit with Arch.
  7. Why does it matter? Texas is not gonna peacock over a big annual salary Sark contract like Aggies did with Jimbo. His next deal will be based on merit, not potential. We are a playoff team in Year 3. The college football world won't blink an eye if we give him a big pay raise. Also if HC contracts get higher and higher, that will negatively affect other programs, not us.
  8. Mark Stoops probably would've had almost a full coaching staff at this point. Oh well.
  9. Yeah, Alabama having a "better loss" is a hilarious argument.
  10. I tweeted at Dan Wolken and he responded. Any Retweets to boost can't hurt!
  11. https://footballscoop.com/news/update-at-texas-a-m Perhaps most prominently, per sources, renowned strength and conditioning coach David Feeley has decided not to accept Elko's offer to join him at Texas A&M. Kevin Johns will be considered for the A&M offensive coordinator position, but Elko also has worked to target numerous offensive play-callers around the sport. Tyler Santucci, widely considered one of the top up-and-coming defensive minds in college football, will not accompany Elko to College Station. A&M interim head coach Elijah Robinson has been offered a meaningful position by Elko; but he continues to evaluate an opportunity to join Fran Brown's staff at Syracuse as well as other options. Sources tell FootballScoop Robinson is expected to make a decision in the coming days.
  12. I find it fascinating that brands have not zeroed in on a $99 bottle that is perfect for gifts. My specs would be something between 90-100 proof, 6-10 years old, and a handsome bottle. That's it. There are lots of great tasting options from 50-75 bucks. Then it moves to around $125-$150 range. Barrell is in that $100-ish price point but it's all cask strength. If the person getting gifted a bottle is not a bourbon enthusiast, they're probably not going to properly enjoy or even pour a high proofer.
  13. 100% agree. But it's not just TW, it's generally that retail price everywhere now.
  14. If this game was in College Station I would kinda fear for his life.
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