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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. Remember @Helobious string of posts saying Penix sucks and is overrated before the Alamo Bowl last year. His fucking curse continues unabated more than a year later. Fuck you.
  2. Stop with the negative yardage on 1st down please. Thanks. Also run the God damned ball
  3. Assert our physical dominance. Run the ball down their throat
  4. I don’t know anything about the group behind those commercials. If his issue was with the group he should have been more specific but then that would detract from him getting a cheap shot in at Jesus
  5. Pretty impressed with his response. It’s almost like he had crisis management team ready to go on retainer.
  6. Thanks for posting on this thread so that we can return the favor of giving you an unwarranted neg that you so freely give to everyone you disagree with.
  7. They are multiplying and have infested the Fiesta Bowl thread as well.
  8. You’re an asshole for going after a guy who coached a kid he is excited to see play in a NY6 game because of the politics of the school that neither Hulk nor the player has any control over. Fuck you. Stay in the CR loser.
  9. I don’t bring politics to sports discussions asshole. Stay in the CR with Penelope loser
  10. Ban this asshole for bringing this shit to the football board
  11. You can thank Hannah for improvement in halftime shows this year and appreciation shown for H-town rap. Yes
  12. That was a dumb unnecessary roughness call on Desmond King
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