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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. Harrison Ford is most decidedly NOT MAGA. He called Trump a son of a bitch and has explicitly stated that we need to stop electing people who don’t believe in science. How dare you suggest Han Solo/Indiana Jones is MAGA. Shame on you.
  2. These people are so fucking stupid. I just can't anymore.
  3. Yes, cost of living in Boston and the surrounds is higher, but MA as a whole is not that terribly expensive.
  4. No, you are just a racist cunt.
  5. I love watching the Astros strike out Judge.
  6. Yeah, Yankees outfield stands are the WORST.
  7. Some Treehouse and Astros. Not a bad Friday night.
  8. Do you or wouod you wear any Astros gear to yankee stadium? I always do. Last one was game 4 of the ALCS last year.
  9. I thought about going to this game, but decided to watch and partake of beer from my couch.
  10. Boris Epshteyn based on this from the NYTimes. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/02/us/politics/boris-epshteyn-co-conspirator-6.html#:~:text=Co-Conspirator 6 was more,figures in Mr. Trump's orbit.
  11. Harvey watching an old video of himself and Rini. 20230801_165847.mp4
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