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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. Some Treehouse and Astros. Not a bad Friday night.
  2. Do you or wouod you wear any Astros gear to yankee stadium? I always do. Last one was game 4 of the ALCS last year.
  3. I thought about going to this game, but decided to watch and partake of beer from my couch.
  4. Boris Epshteyn based on this from the NYTimes. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/02/us/politics/boris-epshteyn-co-conspirator-6.html#:~:text=Co-Conspirator 6 was more,figures in Mr. Trump's orbit.
  5. Harvey watching an old video of himself and Rini. 20230801_165847.mp4
  6. The Vice President's Chief of Staff alerted the Secret Service. That is Marc Short, not Mark Meadows.
  7. So, shall we guess the co-conspirators? We know the Justice Department Official is Jeffrey Clark. I would guess Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, John Eastman, Steve Bannon and Ole Rudy. Those are my 5 guesses.
  8. Houston = Hurricanes. One was enough for me. Fuck that. My next move, if any, is to Europe. I am starting to have that conversation with work now. Aiming for May 2025.
  9. That is like saying water is wet. Basically, at this point, the Libertarians and the GQP are the same. Which is my point. Then they are not really Libertarians at all.
  10. My income would go 40% further if I moved back to Texas since I pay a shitload in state and local taxes here in NYC which I get no deduction for from a federal perspective (thanks assholes). However, Texas has basically told women that we do not fucking matter, and that we shout sit down, shut up, and do as we are told. So fuck Texas. Signed a multi-generational Texan who thinks the state jumped the shark.
  11. Unfortunately, the "Libertarians" got co-opted by the Tea Party movement. The actually Libertarian philosophy believes in the free movement of labor and capital. MAGA definitely does not believe in the free movement of labor given all their Build the Wall crap. Any member of the Libertarian Party that talks about building a wall is full of fucking shit. Also, Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, and minimize the state's encroachment on and violations of individual liberties; emphasizing the rule of law, pluralism, cosmopolitanism, cooperation, civil and political rights, bodily autonomy, freedom of association, free trade, freedom of expression. etc.. The current Libertarian party is diametrically opposed to a big portion of this. I think a lot of people think Libertarian = no government, but that is absolutely not what it is about.
  12. Yeah, that is pretty much it. And the Libertarian Party is completely batshit now.
  13. Which means that those people actually aren't libertarians. The Libertarian Party is a fucking joke.
  14. Comer is going on the networks saying he did confirm it. Of course, the hearing was behind closed doors, without Democrats attending, behind closed doors, and not under oath. Fucking Comer is a traitor just like the rest of his fucking party. Corrected. Daniel Goldman did attend and stayed to the end. Ultimately, the entire GQP is misrepresenting this entire hearing. What a fucking joke the GQP is. They are a domestic terror organization.
  15. That was my second reaction after Fuck Cancer.
  16. I support age limits. You cannot run for public office if you would take office after turning 75. If you are a senator, and win while 74, and take the oath of office at 74, you can serve out that term, but you are prohibited from running again. Period. And I would say that you have that age line be the line for judges. You must announce your retirement within a month of your 75th birthday, and it can be for no more than 12 months later.
  17. The message needs to be that whole swaths of our population will have their rights taken away under a Trump regime. You also show the things Biden has done, like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPS Act. He has been really effective given the thin majority he had.
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