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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. Those three are some of the most effective birth control there is. They dry up vaginas with their mere presence.
  2. With those water temps already hitting 97 degrees, and projected to get worse, Florida is ripe for a massive storm strike. Watch Ronnie beg for help when it happens. Fuck DeSantis and fuck Florida.
  3. Turkish should be fine, but my only experience with them was in 2018 in their First Class/Business cabin when they were still flying into the old Istanbul airport. There were hiccups, but it had nothing to do with the plane or the airline. More issues at airports on both ends. The issues in Istanbul should be cleared up in the new airport (you had to deplane on the tarmac and bus because they didn't have enough room at the old airport).
  4. I'm going to see it at the Village East 70mm screen. Yeah, Lincoln Center was nuts. I'm seeing MI 7 there Sunday AM, but all Oppenheimer was sold out.
  5. I know I will be seeing two movies that weekend. Saturday is Barbie, Sunday is Oppenheimer. I know a lot of folks might be doing the same thing. We are getting a lot of good movies this summer.
  6. It is such a stunning place. I have had the luck to be up there twice. The first time, it was hot and crowded. It was around Memorial Day as I had gone to Greece for 4 or 5 nights around that time back in 2016. It was still amazing, but the amount of people wasn't fun. We paid to do a guided tour, and that was great. We had a group of about 8 or us, and she gave us a lot of background. I wanted the slopes once I was headed down and saw all kinds of things. In 2019, I was in Athens for a conference. I was flying to Denmark on Saturday night, so on that Saturday AM, I went up to the Acropolis. I got there at 8 in the morning. The weather was glorious (sunny and about 68-70 degrees), and there were maybe all of 10 people up there until I started to head down. This trip was amazing. I absolutely adored being up there that early, and it was almost like I was touring it in a private setting. It is mind blowing that I was walking where people walked 2500 years before. It is awe inspiring.
  7. This had me laughing yesterday. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/barbie-review-first-reactions-ryan-gosling-b2372369.html Early reviews are very positive. We shall see. I have a ticket to this the Saturday morning it comes out at my local theater. I have tickets the next morning to Oppenheimer at the 70mm historic theater in the East Village, so that will be really cool.
  8. I rewatched 1, 2, 3, and 4 recently. I still love 1. 2 was very meh. 3 was great becuase PSH makes an amazing bad guy. 4 I really enjoyed, and thought that was almost like a reboot as they sort of reset things at that point. Will rewatch 5 and 6 this weekend, as the next two movies kind of finish the arcs that those started. Have tickets to IMAX at Lincoln Center on Sunday morning. Good way to start a Sunday.
  9. And that is only one of his lawyers. His Florida lawyer was available and the govt didn't want to push back this pre-trial conference. Also, the lawyer that isn't available isn't available because he is defending another traitor....a January 6th defendent.
  10. Well, she allowed a delay of a hearing from the 14th to the 18th of this month for reasons. https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-agrees-delay-hearing-trump-classified-documents-case/story?id=101090376
  11. Not always. I have definitely had some less than great Italian wine too. French too. But there are some good Greek wines. You have to know which ones though.
  12. There are some really good Greek wines, but you need to know what to order.
  13. Yeah, Retsina is garbage, though I feel one glass is needed to understand how bad it is. Mani Mani is excellent. I had a great meal there. The following places are restaurants I have been in Athens that were worth it: Hytra - Definitely posh, but the view is outstanding Mani Mani - The food was excellent. Kuzina - The view on the roof is second to none; food is very good too Old Tavern of Psarras - Really solid Taverna in Plaka. Food was simple but solid. Mavro Provato - Back in 2019, this was one of the it restaurants in Athens, and holy shit was it good. Not expensive at all, but completely solid food, riffs on classic Greek dishes. (https://tomauroprovato.gr/) Vassilenas Restaurant - This is a multicourse tasking menu that was absolutely packed when I went. Food was great. I also went to this comfort food place in one of the markets. I went there at 2 or 3 AM after Baba Au Rhum, but the food was outstanding. I will try and find that one. On the bar front, Baba Au Rhum was great. The Clumsies was jam packed, so I gave it a skip. Brettos is still one of my personal favorites.
  14. Yes. Start hitting them where it counts. I would 100% support this.
  15. I have also finally started Day 5 and Mosuke (which I adored). I am at the same time writing up stuff about my Egypt trip and my 2023 travels. Going to start adding some NYC content in as well since it is a popular travel destination.
  16. To be clear, these are not radical Republicans, they are normal Republicans full stop. The party has gone down that rabbit hole and there is no redemption. These people are mentally ill.
  17. And what that does is dumb classes down for the kids that are prepared. College in the US has basically become 13th grade becuase so many kids are not taught what they need to be taught in school. They are taught to pass standardized tests for school rankings. They are not taught critical reasoning. Look, I was a public school kid, and I think public schools are very, very important, but they also fail two kinds of students. Those that are incredibly bright, and those that need extra help. Some kids are not meant to go to college, and that should be ok. As it is, some of those kids from Iraan have no business sitting in a classroom at UT until their critical thinking and problem solving skills are better. That is what community college is for, and I think that is a route that more and more kids should take. Donot use 4 year universities as your college prep and fuck up what other people experience. Look, I went to a private University. We were required to take 60 hours of core classes, including world religions, lit, philosophy, history, math, and science, no matter what your major was. Some of those classes, like intro to philosophy, were so painful, I was ok to take a lower grade than I had earned just to not have to listen to some of those morons in the class.
  18. This is single handedly the most correct thing you have ever posted on this site. It shouldn't be a 6% across the board. A kid that is top 10 or 20% from Westlake or Highland Park is going to be much more prepared for college than a kid in the top 5% of Iraan or Vidor.
  19. It is disgusting. Glad I stay far, far away from that. And yeah, the weather has been brutal recently. Summer in NYC with 90 degree temps and 80% plus humidity sucks.
  20. Seems like a copyright problem. Maybe someone should let someone at The University know.
  21. Finally have some motivation and inspiration to go back and finish my 2022 write ups. Then it will be on to 2023. First one just posted this morning. https://www.mlleshetravels.com/single-post/2022-paris-trip-from-the-middle-ages-to-baudelaire-on-day-4 Second one, posted right after. Two in one day is a record. https://www.mlleshetravels.com/single-post/mlle-she-travels-restaurant-review-pantagruel
  22. Nazis make the best bad guys. I enjoyed this a lot. While I rank Raiders and Last Crusade as 1a and 1b (I love them both), this was much better than Temple of Doom (even though I love Short Round) and KOCS. Harrison Ford's performance was really well done. He didn't mail it in at all.
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