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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by 4th_and_18

  1. Wofford lost too. Fucking w-sips
  2. Coaches tell them to push the envelope knowing 5 yards won’t cost them but ignore the fact that it’s a free play that results in explosive plays. TLDR: PK sucks
  3. Johntay asks him to transfer to Texas all the time.
  4. Narrator: “Tua was not fine.”
  5. It used to be even better. Original recipe was better imo.
  6. The Varsity Network is how I’m listening.
  7. Friendly jabs more than talking shit. Good fun. Reggie played the video of VY’s knee being down on the toss at the rose bowl and said “VY…was that knee down?” VY: “it wasn’t called down was it?” All good fun.
  8. I’ve been on the field for many games home and OU. It is night and day with nothing in between. The big games at DKR you can scream at the top of your lungs on the field and the person a foot away just sees your mouth moving. It’s insanely loud. The other games you can hear the traffic on 35. In Minnesota. Lol Texas Tech 2005 was one of the loudest. Those idiots from Lubbock thought they would win. By mid-first quarter it was quiet again. Pregame on the field was almost painful it was so loud.
  9. UTPD said they are finding stuff similar to this pic. Looks like broken cement.
  10. Gray death is making its way through west campus. We were warned today that if we find gray powder in the building to leave it and call 911.
  11. Both sides of 55 between camp wood and uvalde are covered in blooming sage. It’s awesome right now. More so than normal.
  12. Foster kids project needs help clearing the list. http://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1QF3R2XJ2FO70?ref_=wl_share
  13. We get AUF funds in our budget. Or we used to before they were repurposed for student support recently.
  14. Hey, we (or Aggy) may try to elevate SFA soon…does that count?
  15. About a month ago we were having a team building afternoon at punch bowl social at the domain. Very soon after we got there they started evacuating the place and people were running from the bowling lanes. The staff came from the maintenance area behind the pins crying and screaming. They had just seen their coworker get beheaded by the pin reset machine. All of our future events with punch bowl have been canceled and apparently that location will be closed for some time. I don’t know if they are back open yet or not.
  16. Arrived to this today at Brazos. Plot thickens.
  17. Wonder if he drives a black truck. I saw one was booted in Brazos earlier this week. Those guys drive crazy in that garage and do not care about busting through the exit arms either. Then there’s the white car that sometimes has a couple of people in the trunk coming from the parking area in front of pac where the guys go to eat lunch. It’s a wonder one of them hasn’t been killed yet.
  18. Florida forest service is on site to relieve crews at the wimberley fire. No structures lost yet as of the judge’s update earlier this afternoon. Though he showed in his video how close one house got to being burned. It went right up to the deck and foundation.
  19. It’s showing on zoom earth now. Check out the Fredericksburg fire. Smoke blowing for over 100 miles. Zoom Earth http://zoom.earth/#view=30.53674,-98.37648,9.48z/map=live/overlays=heat,wind
  20. There’s also an Austin Reddit thread for clearing teacher’s Amazon wish lists.
  21. There has been a new widened fire break put in place on the north and east side of the fire as well as “many” rounds of the orange fire retardant from plane drops. They are throwing all resources into keeping it from spreading that direction.
  22. At what point do we start worrying about the fires headed right at the two reactors in glen rose? Too late? Prepare our anuses?
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