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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Maybe the best and most apt visual depiction of what has come to be.
  2. I think Israel cynically attacked the embassy in Syria to provoke this shit. Are they wrong to want to strike at Iran? No. Iran is conducting violent operations against Israel. In a vacuum, I would always support Israel over the theocratic tyranny in Iran. It is Israel's choice of targets that raises my eyebrow. I really want the US out of this fucking shit. Israel is not a state in the union. Trying to cast this as good guys versus bad guys is American naivete at it's worst and most dangerous. Israel is slaughtering Gazans and calling it a war. Iran is supporting attacks on Israel which kill Israelis. I suppose it's good that a number of countries united to augment Israel's air defenses. It's defensive and saved lives. I wouldn't commit to much else. I agree with a lot of this. I've read all the posts to this point. The above exchange should not be forgotten in war fervor. I don't want American soldiers fighting in this conflict. I would only commit to helping Israel when evidence arose that they might be overrun. I don't want that country destroyed. Maybe we could deliberate about what we would do with the same alacrity the West is using to do anything to keep Gaza from being overrun and turned into an epic act of cruelty. We wouldn't wait until Israelis were huddling in refugee camps watching their children suffer, starve, and die. We shouldn't do that with Gaza. I hate being involved in this shit fire.
  3. These posts balance out quite nicely. That so many boomers go for Trump after experiencing the 70s is sort of mind boggling but not too much so. Upper middle class-born Boomers were the yuppies of the 80s. They fell in love with Reagan and Gordon Gecko. That's when most of them picked their team. I'm at the same time as that group but, as Biff said, we were not a homogenized generation anymore than any generation is. On facebook, I see that most of the girls from my high school have children and have become vocally Christian. Blessed this and blessed that. Some seem like good examples of what that religion can do; most seem to think we're blessed by having a great man like Trump in the lead. I can't tell if any are all the way Christian Nationalists, but I doubt many recognize or oppose that movement. I was never anything resembling a hippie. I was moderate and a bit hawkish in my college years. The spirit of tolerance, not taking things at their face value, and not trusting things done simply for tradition were a few values in there. They've stuck. I frankly think those are key values with millennials and those younger. I was also never a yuppie or a preppy. I did want to strip Iran off the face of the Earth, but I now think that was a bit harsh. I also know more about our history with that country. Reagan was the first presidential candidate that I despised. Nixon had to work at it for 5 years for me to see him as a villain. Anyway, I think the Yuppies and neo-Christians of my group are the root of why the large number of Boomers find themselves backing an anti-republic, lying, failed game show host (all due respect to @WhatTheBuck) whom Jesus would kick in the nuts. I've missed her.
  4. Yep. They stepped up united with us, and we decide to invade Iraq. Such a fumble by W. His daddy, Clinton, or Gore would not have wasted that moment. The re-election of W was demoralizing to me. It's just getting worse.
  5. His glacial pace proves more disastrous each day that Trump delays. Yet, it's the Senate that could have and should have convicted Trump in 2021. The only reason I believe they did was omertà. As a criminal organization, they protected a collegue perhaps in fear that there are things he could reveal. Maybe it was just plain fear of the cappo.
  6. The Washington Post buries the lead sentence. The news is that there is further evidence that Trump is an ally of Russia. Further evidence which means they can drop their journalism school templates and state the key fact. Donald Trump's plan to reward Vlad...borders by force further indicates his plan to ally with the de facto dictator. I'm surprised these chickenshit college girls and boys didn't sprinkle in a bunch of allegedlys. Do you really need to source "some foreign policy experts" as though there is some doubt that Trump's utterances can be interpreted any other way? RomaVicta states he wants to erase the MAGA GOPs from the face of the Earth. Some linguists suggest this may mean that he intends harm to Republicans who follow Trump. RomaVicta proposes mass murder of millions of Americans. There's your opening sentence, fuckwads. Trump's dedication to Putin is a fact already proven. You won't lose a libel case. It's not being unbalanced if you can't find a Dem traitor to even the scales. State. The. Truth. or scratch out your motto about democracy dying in the dark. Disappointing as fuck. Originally, I was studying Journalism at UT. I only took a few classes, so I'm not claiming expertise. It's just that the possible satisfaction of being a reporter is destroyed if you can't print lucid facts. Would I have become one of these drones? Ugh.
  7. I so lament the loss of Rickman. Hart Bochner's character is a sleaze, but it's great that he dies a something of a hero in the end by not revealing McClane's relationship with Holly. Relevant to thread as we're talking death here. Fuck the GЯP.
  8. Again, If only. Opinion leaders need to wake up to the new paradigm.
  9. Let's move all the reclining deck chairs to starboard and the striped ones to the stern. Anybody getting chilly?
  10. You gotta do it if God tells you to. God speaks through the preachers not Jesus. When God orders you, you save the fetuses even if you reduce women to child-bearing chattel whose sex lives are to be controlled. When God orders you, you turn away your brothers and sisters fleeing starvation or terror. When God orders you, you fly a plane into a tall building full of your brothers and sisters. If God says love all your brothers and sisters, you do it your preacher finds an out for you. It's fucking unstoppable. Reason all you want; you will not be met with reason. You merely identify yourself as a pawn of the devil. I can't think of any other explanation for women to vote for the above. Or men. Or anybody.
  11. These are the sick, deranged never-Trumpers who should never be listened to except for their appeals for mercy prior to secret execution. Never-Bideners or never-Obama-ers are not sick or deranged. They should be in charge and are the only ones who should be investigating Trump or other GOPs. It is known.
  12. The strident heterosexuals have arrived.
  13. Every play, opponents will lose yardage either to sacks or other TFLs. All A&M will need is one safety to win their games.
  14. We should still do it today. It goes double for this guy. My mind has changed. My heart has changed even more.
  15. Can no one stop their bickering long enough to think of and pray for poor Alina Abba? It had been all this: But, now, it's all this.
  16. How dare you suggest I'm gay! I, sir, am a cannibal!
  17. There's that damned Disclaimer Paragraph revered throughout the business and legal world, again. Trump is a fucking genius! Knight SIC, prompted by God knows who: Mr. President, sir, we'd like to insure your bond. But that would be crazy. We would, however like to help you to avoid paying the money the corrupt Never-Trumpers decided you owed. Trump: I gotta a claus you wouldn't believe. Lawyers, big important lawyers. tell me it's a great clause like nobody has ever seen before. You use it so you don't have to pay people you agreed to pay. You tell them you'll pay, they you show them the Disclaimer Clause. Knight SIC: So we say we'll pay your bond, and-- Trump: But then you don't have to. You say you'll pay. I get bond. I get elected and pardon myself. We're as golden as the chandelier in the Mar A Lago shitter.
  18. It's not just "ladies" who don't much care for misogynistic language. Also, if you see a joke, at least find one that's funny. You can get away with almost anything if it's actually funny. It most often appears that some of the "gentlemen" are just anxious to call a woman a cunt or a stupid bitch.
  19. This is really good, @Gatorubet It's the black hole at the end of "every accusation is a confession."
  20. We laugh at something increasingly unfunny. There never has been a movement in the US that called itself woke-ism, yet tens of millions of Americans are called to action in hatred of that movement. It's the best object for hate and fear since they started mischaracterizing liberalism. It's the worst object of their hate as being woke mostly refers to being tolerant and empathetic. To me, this is the leap to Nazism only likely worse. The Nazis focused their unthinkable hatred and punishment on groups that could be identiffied as something. Jews, gays, gypsies (the Romani). There is no clear identity of the woke-ist. Just hunt down the ones that don't support the Chosen Lies or hate the Chosen Evil. This is more akin to the Red Scare when casual accusation could ruin a person. We've got a serious white man problem.
  21. I like how he moves in traffic.
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