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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. You gotta do it if God tells you to. God speaks through the preachers not Jesus. When God orders you, you save the fetuses even if you reduce women to child-bearing chattel whose sex lives are to be controlled. When God orders you, you turn away your brothers and sisters fleeing starvation or terror. When God orders you, you fly a plane into a tall building full of your brothers and sisters. If God says love all your brothers and sisters, you do it your preacher finds an out for you. It's fucking unstoppable. Reason all you want; you will not be met with reason. You merely identify yourself as a pawn of the devil. I can't think of any other explanation for women to vote for the above. Or men. Or anybody.
  2. These are the sick, deranged never-Trumpers who should never be listened to except for their appeals for mercy prior to secret execution. Never-Bideners or never-Obama-ers are not sick or deranged. They should be in charge and are the only ones who should be investigating Trump or other GOPs. It is known.
  3. The strident heterosexuals have arrived.
  4. Every play, opponents will lose yardage either to sacks or other TFLs. All A&M will need is one safety to win their games.
  5. We should still do it today. It goes double for this guy. My mind has changed. My heart has changed even more.
  6. Can no one stop their bickering long enough to think of and pray for poor Alina Abba? It had been all this: But, now, it's all this.
  7. How dare you suggest I'm gay! I, sir, am a cannibal!
  8. There's that damned Disclaimer Paragraph revered throughout the business and legal world, again. Trump is a fucking genius! Knight SIC, prompted by God knows who: Mr. President, sir, we'd like to insure your bond. But that would be crazy. We would, however like to help you to avoid paying the money the corrupt Never-Trumpers decided you owed. Trump: I gotta a claus you wouldn't believe. Lawyers, big important lawyers. tell me it's a great clause like nobody has ever seen before. You use it so you don't have to pay people you agreed to pay. You tell them you'll pay, they you show them the Disclaimer Clause. Knight SIC: So we say we'll pay your bond, and-- Trump: But then you don't have to. You say you'll pay. I get bond. I get elected and pardon myself. We're as golden as the chandelier in the Mar A Lago shitter.
  9. It's not just "ladies" who don't much care for misogynistic language. Also, if you see a joke, at least find one that's funny. You can get away with almost anything if it's actually funny. It most often appears that some of the "gentlemen" are just anxious to call a woman a cunt or a stupid bitch.
  10. This is really good, @Gatorubet It's the black hole at the end of "every accusation is a confession."
  11. We laugh at something increasingly unfunny. There never has been a movement in the US that called itself woke-ism, yet tens of millions of Americans are called to action in hatred of that movement. It's the best object for hate and fear since they started mischaracterizing liberalism. It's the worst object of their hate as being woke mostly refers to being tolerant and empathetic. To me, this is the leap to Nazism only likely worse. The Nazis focused their unthinkable hatred and punishment on groups that could be identiffied as something. Jews, gays, gypsies (the Romani). There is no clear identity of the woke-ist. Just hunt down the ones that don't support the Chosen Lies or hate the Chosen Evil. This is more akin to the Red Scare when casual accusation could ruin a person. We've got a serious white man problem.
  12. I like how he moves in traffic.
  13. Nyad. Terrible script. Terrible. You can appreciate the value of great actors trying to breathe life into the dead word for only so long. Jody Foster and Rhys Ifans twist the mundane dialogue into something resembling reality. Annette Benning has no chance in the role of Nyad. We sped through the second hour to the end to see if she ever made it. Don't watch this movie.
  14. They're imperialist. I've wondered if Bibi or other imperialist Israelis look to their history of conquests in the ancient world (when everybody was imperialist) and think of David. I feel bad for and relate to the Israelis and Jews who hate what is going on in their country. In fact, I know exactly how they feel.
  15. Oh, we're on brand. Prepare you anus. You're about to be back on brand as well.
  16. Not much done in 8 episodes. I'm not gripped by fiber-girl's naive takes even though she's irrestibly beautiful. It's the GOT guys doing the writing, and you can tell they think they're brilliant by the pauses they put between lines to frame the predictable things the characters say. These guy suck. It feels kind of like the 21st Century's version of 30 Something. I didn't care about those assholes, either.
  17. Now that's boiled down to the essence.
  18. In our astounding drift into facism, I've wondered how "we" can forget the last round of this global inclination. I think the part of "we" who are astounded were the children of the WW2 generation so that story got told often. The attitude towards Nazism and military imperialism was transferred gut to gut through TV shows, movies, books, and recollection. I fought the war against the Germans, Japanese, and Comanches across the suburban yards of Houston. I died many time but always prevailed. The other part of "we" view that time like we view WW1. It's interesting but increasingly vague. One has to look for it to learn about it. Of course, I'm talking about people like the woman in Maine. She says Nazi and thinks of today's Nazis. American Nazis. Those of us who have the gut feeling about Nazis envision a supremely racist authoritarian rule that not only murdered millions of Jews and other non-Aryans but starved and worked them to death. The Gestapo and SS are entities whose names chill us. Not the same for her and others who didn't grow up as most of us did. Obvious lessons fade. Nazis are handsome white guys with torches who care deeply for the ideal white American dream. Forget it, Jake. It's Idiot World.
  19. Yea, I'm beginning to suspect those occasionally horrendous odors are coming from somewhere behind and may be related to funny noises that I sometimes hear.
  20. He ought to change his name to Shameless Cojones.
  21. What happened to "Now we're a national brand?" I thought the guy who knew how to win a national championship knew that you had to go national. I'm disillusioned. Does this new guy even know how to win a national championship?
  22. When, in fact, they've only been told they paid more for eggs last week. Sorta like that greatest economy evah we had four years ago.
  23. This realization is genuinely depressing. When facts, good faith argument, and, now, the obvious, no longer carry any weight with a large part of the electorate, what am I left with? What are we left with? It's all just another version of the NFL to them. I pull for my team because the players wear the uniform to which I have allegiance. Period.
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