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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Reagan1k

  1. @hundredTT I'm saddened when I read your posts but am grateful you are still here. Who knows......you may well be helping another struggling alcoholic lurking here without your even knowing it. More than that, how amazing would your story be in a few months if you allowed yourself to be pulled out of this nosedive? The number of people you could help and the lives you could change is mind-blowing. Here's to hoping that your brain surrenders before your body does. Godspeed.
  2. Huge fan of the HotSpot and I pay GM for the service separate from my phone. I don't think it was even an option to self subscribe to another carrier. As part of the data package it comes with X number of minutes on the built in cell phone as well. I never really use the phone part of the deal but it is nice to have. I spend a lot of time in rural areas and often alone. I like knowing that if I lost or broke my phone, I can have access to a back-up to place an emergency call, etc. HotSpot is great while traveling in rural areas or on long trips.....better call consistency, no delayed text messages, nice to be able to work remotely via WiFi where cell signals are sketchy and data would be slow. The antenna is more robust than on a phone so reception even on the same network is better. I'd be content with nothing but the cellular HotSpot and bluetooth and none of the other NAV/INFO crap.....That's on my phone and I'm too lazy and old to learn new shit. Can't really get it that way though so I have a supercomputer in my dash that is idle most of the time.
  3. Reagan1k

    Counting Cows R Hard

    Every boy needs a hand crank air siren mounted to their 1st pick-up. Handy to help herd/feed and then lets the babes know you're pulling into the parking lot at school.
  4. The creation of the constable position in Texas (while possibly well intended to allow the sheriff to focus on important stuff) put in motion a system just begging for abuse, cronyism, and personal enrichment. It’ll be hard to unwind but reform or simply scrapping the system and allowing an expansion of sheriff’ offices is needed.
  5. @hundredTT In any other forum and on any other topic, readers would already be calling this out as a masterful troll job. Those of us who are alcoholics know it isn’t and that’s what is so baffling about this disease. You couldn’t make this shit up. Your disease (dis-ease) is causing an otherwise capable and rational man to act in a manner that is counter to all human emotions to fight for your survival. Your disease would rather you die that be starved out a drink and your mind thinks that’s the only comfort available. That is a lie. Unfortunately that’s all I have..... you know what has to be done. The grace of recovery and peace are there for the taking. Whether or not to grab the life preserver is up to you. It is floating right beside you as you flail away in the water.
  6. I'm old.....so I fondly remember going to the library on campus and catching up via Sports Illustrated and The Sporting News, followed by reading columns and looking at box scores and standings from various newspapers. If only I had stayed in the library afterward and actually studied ......
  7. Twice nailed it. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics. Too many of us die because we just don't know there is a solution. Having non-alcoholics understand even a little about the program and the disease may save a life.
  8. My wife has the stand-up variety with the steamer on a hose in her closet and she uses it all the time. It has a a reservoir tank at the base. I made the mistake of trying to freshen up some dress pants I was still wearing.....thinking it was like one of the little hand held units. Don't do that.
  9. Staying in your own lane reduces your chances for drama and conflict sooooo much.
  10. Good for you...it does feel great. I'm walking with a new guy going through a lot of those same firsts and it is exciting to see his eyes light up telling me he did this or that and didn't think about drinking. He's got a corporate event coming up with a lot of golf and booze normally involved. We're making sure he's all prayed up and fit spiritually, but I think he's looking forward to it....possibly because he knows he can win some side bets off drunk co-workers. Sobriety has its perks I guess. PS - those expense accounts go a lot farther on MUCH better food and dining experiences when there is no bar tab as well.
  11. Yep - You can't reasonably claim to feel threatened in that situation.....and be justified. A shooting instructor at the old Jeff Cooper school told a story about his working in a gun shop and having a robbery occur while he was carrying. Bad guy had a shotgun and inexplicably put it down to pick up something during the crime. Store owner (instructor) said he drew and put a 1911 to the criminal's temple, then called the police. When asked later why he didn't just shoot the guy, his response was - "At that moment I didn't feel threatened". She testified that she created the situation which lead to his death. There was no threat until she chose to open the door and enter the apartment.
  12. @hundredTT You may be right about the whole false god thing. When I first came in looking for answers I was in your shoes. A guy asked asked me if I was powerless against whiskey and I agreed that I was. He said......OK then there is A power out there greater than you....whiskey. Now, do you think whiskey is the most powerful thing in the universe. We talked about the tides, sunrises, salmon returning to their birthplace, ducks migrating, swallows at Capistrano..... and I agreed that there was something else out there bigger than me AND whiskey that was making order in randomness. He then said fine.... give the tide maker and the salmon/swallow GPS guide some credit and that can be something more powerful than you and whiskey. Finally he asked if I thought he was sober on his own power and I said no.... I knew his story.... so he said I could borrow his higher power or use him as my higher power so we could get started. Nothing more/ nothing less.... No God, no religion, no dogma or ceremony. There are simply powers at work more powerful than me and they keep others sober and can do the same for me. He pointed out later that no where in the steps does it say we come to understand or be able to explain a power greater than ourselves.... we simply accept and believe there is something.... vague as that may be. I hope you find the peace and comfort you want for yourself.
  13. Rely on training / resort to training - coming back to that..........You bet the prosecutor will.
  14. @thestud Yep. It sucks to see all that grace around your friend and watch him turn his back to it. There is literally nothing you can do. As the books says; "No human power could have relived us....." Your friend is beyond human help - help is there for sure in the form of grace and a spiritual awakening, but no human can force him into it or make him accept the grace. Once he accepts it, then there is plenty of human help that can guide him on the path to recovery, but the choice to surrender......nope.....all on him. He may go down fighting this to the last breath and that is the sad reality for alcoholics. I'd venture to say that whatever @BearSchlongtold you is 100% spot on. I'm sorry for the loss and pain this has caused you, but this has been out of your control from the start. Edit........After reading your last post it sounds like you are doing exactly what needs to be done and he may be deflating his ego some now. I hope so
  15. Now we're all just bragging to @hundredTT about how great killing ourselves slowly is....in one of the most agonizing manners known to medicine; melting our livers and shutting down our control over bodily functions. Our bodies want/need to die but the disease is so powerful it keeps us alive as a host just to get more drinking done. @hundredTT There is a solution and it is RIGHT THERE....where ever you are.....it is RIGHT THERE. Join us. It's peaceful over here. Godspeed.
  16. I rotated stores so as not to look like a drunk......
  17. The lack of any requests for more money would have been the biggest red flag when my kids were in school. They might not call and check in but they'd sure as shit make contact when funds were getting low.
  18. 1st time I really spoke in an AA meeting that's what I talked about.....how much more time and energy I felt I had; not having to do all of that...it was so freeing. When I was playing that moderation game I worked myself to death running errands and washing the cars so I could drink what I had to have out of her sight. The idea of real moderation or god-forbid abstinence induced such panic.
  19. If he wasn't a majority owner, the other owners could simply cut him a check for his equity position (minus the cost of the fire extinguisher) and send him on his way. He probably netted about tree fiddy.
  20. 1st time my wife confronted me and said that I need help, my exact words were.........."I'll handle it myself." HAHAHAHAHAHHA. That lasted 36 hours. I was so proud on day one of "my plan" that I had moderated with just 3 stiff drinks.....but I was climbing the walls and barely slept. Texted her the next morning and said - "only had three drinks - normal drinking. I've got this. Thanks for the wake-up call." By that afternoon I was downing vodka on my drive from work so that once I got home I'd hopefully have gotten enough in me that the "3 normal drinks" she saw would last me through the night. We all know the rest of the story.
  21. @hundredTT I say this with all the love I have, but in your position, you are the absolute last person that needs to be figuring this shit out. I've been there...My best thinking kept me sinking lower and lower. As was referenced above, your best thinking had it figured out a month ago and now you are living in your car. This is not on you....this is a disease. Replace alcoholism with cancer. Presented with a CAT Scan that showed a brain tumor, would you shun a doctor and "figure this shit out" on your own? No, you'd turn your care over to the doctor and do whatever he/she says. Same deal here. You have a terminal disease you cannot think your way out of. Stop thinking about it and get into detox / treatment. It's not a defeat to ask for help, it is the only winning move on this chess board. I finally said fuck it, and called a guy who I knew didn't drink but lived a full and happy life and asked him for help. I did what he said, nothing more or less and it saved my life. Stop thinking and working on this deal......just hand it over to someone else.
  22. I'm no law dog, and can see how a juror would easily go either way on her entering the apartment. When and why she drew and fired (especially considering her "police training") is what would matter to me. Take the apartment out of it....was she reasonable in drawing and firing in the given time and distance from him once "startled" and considering her other options since she wasn't cornered? That's the question in my mind. Shift the scene to the parking garage or CVS parking lot and he rounds the corner when she didn't expect someone to be there, etc. That's the question of murder or not in my mind. Was she reasonable in defending herself in that manner once startled; given the situation and his proximity, or should she have issued a command, backed out, called for assistance?
  23. I don't have any tattoos but I might consider that line as a reminder....inside my right forearm so I can see it if I ever wanted to exercise my elbow.
  24. Pigs get fat and hogs.... Dumb-ass got greedy. He probably could have slipped this IPO through and cashed out were it not for the trademark deal and half a billion person loan. SoftBank was dying to get this to the street and he raised enough eyebrows that no one could look past the stink.
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