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Everything posted by CoachTex

  1. I once ran a 5.6. Yeah it was 40 yards. When I was in college. Damn it.
  2. Smoking a couple pork butts for pulled pork. Looking good so far.
  3. Still borked for me. Reply works off and on in incognito. Android with chrome
  4. So the Alamodome is not downtown by that logic. 🤔
  5. Pos rep for Filling Station. I miss that place.
  6. Cheese dog with onion serrano hinge
  7. Any idea on where GA seats are located?
  8. Looking to take the family to the Dec 21st game against UL-LA. GA tickets are still available. Anyone know where those are located and what time would would we need to be there to get 4.seats together?
  9. IMO Demo has benefited greatly from having Ford on the field next to him. Allows Demo to be an athlete and not worry about technique. Ford is a LB, Demo is an athlete.
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