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Everything posted by CoachTex

  1. 🤣 No Waioli Tea Room near Manoa Falls. Yes fancy presentation, but was dinning in my swim suit so not a fancy place. I would not have posted it here due to above mentioned infractions but place is legit with a great mission. Please forgive the lack of hand gun, schlitz beer, and absent cheese hinge. Thought noach would cove for my transgressions.
  2. As I just got back from there let me help you out. Spare rib version in waioli. It is bad ass. Dinner last night. Jalapeno refried beans and japs. Also some chicken ranch ones for funzies.
  3. Finally broke down and got one today.
  4. Tomatoes and basil from the garden.
  5. My oldest wanted to make ramen. It turned out great.
  6. Mojito shrimp salad Daughter made a bread loaf shaped like a toad.
  7. Anyone got any Northshore dinner spots. We leave in a couple of weeks and have the waikiki spots figured out. Need a few for the Northshore.
  8. Yeah, I fighting everything. Spider mites, aphids, Rock squirrels. Plants are still producing though. About to go nuclear on the insects.
  9. Happy Father's day Surly. Also throwing on a turkey breat later.
  10. Shrimp in a wok Of course shrimp tacos
  11. It is flowing very slowly but there us movement.
  12. Garner run. Attempt at Smash Burgers. Attempt at smashed trailer Yes, I hit a tree. No, it was not on purpose. Yes, I am a dumbass.
  13. First attempt at smash burgers. Good camping eats.
  14. Garner state park, Willie can't relax. He must stay on alert.
  15. Finally getting back on the road.
  16. Yep, I have pretty much surrendered this year, gonna grab as much as I can but kind of a lost cause. Will build a poultry mesh 2 x 4 house to place over garden box this December.
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