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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. “Show me in the handbook where it says I can’t have anal sex in the Senate and film it?”
  2. lol, we told him he had the dumbass. We left the possum for the day, and a buddy went home, got a possum trap, and set it up. Next day, possum was in the trap and we let it go outside of town.
  3. The stupidest mofo I ever met was senior to me at that pool. One year we found that a possum had taken up residence in the chemical store room back under some shelves. Animal control told us to fucking deal with it, it was hissing and snapping as we tried to hassle it into a bucket with a stick. That guy, a manager, went to a car and got a lighter and the grabbed a can of WD-40 and said he’d spray it like a blowtorch and burn it out. In a room full of fucking chemicals and shit, all toxic and many flammable.
  4. All through high school and college I kept my lifeguard cert and then added cert to teach the whole lifeguard course, first aid, and swimming. That kept me out of shitty manual labor jobs in the summer and out of school, the pay was good and the atmosphere great. A few times while teaching the course in the evening, I’d have the keys to the facility and I’d stay with one of the girls in the class to practice what we’d learned after others went home. The shittiest job was opening up the city outdoor pools back at home— one big Olympic size and the other was 50 yards. Both 12 feet deep. You can’t drain them in the RFV, the water table is too high and they’ll pop up. The city was cheap as hell and just let them sit all winter and spring and they were sludge pits come May. So first you’d shock the hell out of them and run the pumps with a lot of chlorine to kill whatever the hell was in there. After a few days when the tests showed the balance was almost healthy enough for people, you’d work. They were next to parks with seagulls. A LOT of shit, mostly chicken bones but also whatever fell and died or got thrown in, built up. That will clog the vacuum so you go in and swim down and hand scoop it up. Algae got up, including black stuff that algaecide won’t take out unless you treat for weeks. It’s cheaper to pay high school kids to scrub. Those long poles offer no leverage to get it off the walls and floors. We’d tie a cradle around a diving brick, tie the other to our waists, and you’d spend a few days basically underwater with a wire brush swimming back up to catch a breath, then back down to scrub more. Then you’d take the same brushes and some Ajax and hand scrub every gotdam tile. Then finally you’d rebalance the chemicals and run the pumps and it would be ready for summer. And high school kids had no business getting near the drums of acid and chlorine you used. That shit would slosh all over. One day after a weekend of pool duty, I was sitting in English class and saw a bubble in my hand, and peeled off a few layers of skin from my palm and fingers in one sheet. I also got an ear infection every damn year.
  5. The issue is that football is expensive and there is no market for a minor league. All the attempts to play at a level a step down fail. The draw with college level is the association with the college, people care about the UT Longhorns. Take the same roster, call them the Travis County Toros….and they won’t draw any more than Westlake or Lake Travis. Less, probably. NIL is just the stupidest shit ever. It’s such a pretense that these players are getting paid for anything but playing ball. Patrick Mahomes can sell his name, image, and likeness if he does to play for Denver next year. No one needs the endorsement of a receiver who has a great year at Grand Valley State and moves to USC, he’s only getting paid because the name on his shirt changed. The only place where NIL works as advertised is with all these gorgeous gymnasts and swimmers and their pay is unrelated to athletic performance. I still think that’s the area that gets the whole scheme somehow blown up one day. It is a little gross, I have no issue with pretty women marketing their sex appeal but it raises some real questions when they are using state run institutions as the platform.
  6. In between my final year of college and grad school I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do, I took a job as an admin type person for a husband-wife law practice. Mostly working for the wife, who was crazy as hell and just really unhappy about most things. They weren’t friends, exactly, with my folks. But they were friendly and the husband, who was OK, occasionally had business with my dad who was bit older and more established. This will be important later. Anyway, the lady I worked for was crazy as hell and was a shouter. She assign me stuff and then come by and yell at me, or she’d yell if I’d ask for some time to talk about an assignment. It turned out I’d been hired because her husband’s good paralegals and secretaries all told him they’d quit if they had to work for her, too. One day she’d assigned me to do some pretty simple math, this was in the mid-2000s. I grabbed one of those old style adding machines with the paper strip, like this, from her husband’s desk and added away: After I finished, I went and put it back. Three or four days later she came and asked me “Where is Mr. Poor Bastard Who Married Me’s Adding Machine.” I told her the last I saw it was when I put it on his desk. She melted down and started bawling me out in public, and said I better not have taken and sold it or she’d call the cops and make sure I’d have this on my record. A fucking desktop calculator! Also, she was in her late 30s and made me call her and him “Mr. and Ms.” I went and moved a folder and found the damn thing and brought it to her. She harrumphed and said she didn’t believe it was really on his desk. A few weeks later, I got a call really early in the morning from my folks: their house was on fire, dad had fallen and broken his arm as they rushed to get out, can I come help. So yeah, I raced out to their place, calmed down dad as the firemen did their shit, took him to the ER, told mom I’ll be back as by that time neighbors and church people are showing up to help. This clown lady calls me at the ER and before I say a word she’s chewing my ass out, how dare I not call if I’ll be late, my professional ethos is shit, and if I want that job I better be there in half an hour and that I’ll be expecting docked pay. I just say “yes, I’ll get there soon.” Finish with dad, bring him back to the house. Drive to work still in shorts and a t-shirt, sit down, type up my resignation and walk it down the hall and hand it to her. As she’s reading it, her husband pops in, sees us and says: “I heard your folks had a really bad fire, are they OK and can we help?” His shitty wife turned white as a sheet. He later apologized on her behalf and asked me to work for for the last two weeks and I did. She later just left law practice, I understand because she got angry and shouted at a client.
  7. Whatever the fuck we are doing, it’s not working.
  8. Speaking of Hungary: “Hungary will veto Bulgaria’s entry to the Schengen Zone until it eliminates taxes on Russian gas.”
  9. Hungary has been on the wrong side in both of the twentieth century’s major conflicts. However, the endless nagging about the unfair terms of the treaty of Trianon has far more to do with Orban and how he keeps bringing it up and less to do with genuine national urging to return Uzhorord or Transylvania to Hungary. It’s important to remember that Hungary had not ruled those lands (and Slovakia, and part of Serbia) as a Hungarian state for many centuries. Rather, ethnic Hungarians were the local lords while themselves subordinate first within the Austrian Empire and then nominally within the dual monarchy of Austro-Hungary. You’ll notice that today’s Orbanists aren’t clamoring for THAT part of RETVRN! One difference is that all the ethnic Poles up and left Ukraine. But lots of Hungarians stayed behind. So there is a slight bit of “yearning for the scattered people to be back in one home” but it’s not like the Hungarians abroad want this. And many of them do just….move to Hungary. TL;DR, there is some cranky-level griping about Poland not having Lviv, but they got over because…..they got over it. Hungary WAS mostly over it until Orban decided he didn’t want to be over it anymore. Most irredentist movements have history and national longing as window dressing to very modern political manipulation.
  10. I think this is a pretty fair perspective. Tell me, how do you think human beings might respond if one nice fall morning Country Y sent armed men to rape and murder many of your family and friends? Do you think that human beings in that situation might approve of bombing the shit out of Country Y?
  11. Somehow, I don’t think you’d be on board with telling Arab or Muslim Americans not to make the war in Gaza all about them and then claiming Islamophobia.
  12. I read through this and couldn’t help but think that the guy who drives drunk and can’t hold a job and manipulates loved ones by threatening to commit suicide and discharges firearms in the house might not be a decent enough guy.
  13. I used to think military jargon creep was the COVID of the workplace. But tech bro jargon creep has to be monkey pox.
  14. Let the losers buy Sukhoi comrade.
  15. I fucking love General Dynamics, the F-16 was and is a triumph but Northrop Grumman is the new hotness for the B-21. Our MIC is cool as shit:
  16. Sometimes when I feel like killing someone,I do a little trick to calm myself down. I’ll go over to the person’s house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I’m gone, but you know what I’ve left on the porch? A jack-o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of its head with a note that says “You.” After that I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.
  17. All part of the plan, y’all. Having ER recruit for Syracuse while working for us allows us to uncover people who aren’t fully committed and bought in to A&M in advance so we don’t waste more time. I’m surprised more forward thinking programs haven’t uncovered and used this loophole but we are far ahead of the curve.
  18. You can only engage if *cough* “both sides” are willing to engage in self-examination and “what about” is the most solid tell that this will not happen. I’m likely the most rabid “Zionist” in this thread and I’ve said multiple times that: 1. Netanyahu sucks. 2. West Bank settlement has to be rolled back and violators held responsible 3. Palestinians need a state And yet that’s not enough because the truth is there is no appetite to compromise on U.S. based advocates for the Palestinian side; this isn’t about Palestine it’s just a proxy argument for our farthest left and right and contrarians to self-flagellate and reassure themselves that America is always the bad guy; anything that doesn’t fall into line of the oppressed vs. oppressor narrative simply gets subsumed in shouting. Just look a few posts up. We’re banging on about the failure of the U.S. to do anything. A few weeks ago we literally strongarmed Israel into a de facto ceasefire. A ceasefire that was broken BY HAMAS when they refused to just let a few more women hostages go and decided to pop off a few more rockets. That’s all they had to do. Stop raping a bit, let some women go home. Literally the lowest bar, this cease-fire would be in place right now if the government of Gaza would let go of the women they are raping. And yet, it’s all our fault. Just make the argument— “Hamas gets to rape, Hamas gets to murder, Hamas gets to steal aid, Hamas gets to control international aid. And Israel should let them. Because Palestinians are oppressed.”
  19. For me the core of the op-ed is here: “Zionist,” even here on this forum is mostly meaningless and is used to conflate people who believe that Israel has a right to exist as a state in with people who support West Bank settlers and the full control of Jerusalem with no rights or space for Palestinians at all. Anyone who believes Israel gets to exist is a Zionist and then must be opposed. You are not allowed to point out how calling for the elimination of the world’s only Jewish state, and no other state in the world, is at least implicitly if not explicitly anti-Semitic. Same deal with “from the River to the Sea,” or “Globalize the Intifada.” Almost all will concede that these slogans are used with genocidal intent but then many will place the onus on Jews to parse through context to determine when it’s genocidal or not. Instead of just distancing themselves from it.
  20. Troof, although it turns out the worst Americans don’t want an eloquent and intelligent ideological advocate for American smallness, isolationism, xenophobia, and rank populism. They want all those things, but they need it delivered to them by a big dum-dum. To link to Ukraine, the ideology is really to make America shrink.
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