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Everything posted by Pdawg88

  1. This is correct. He is one of, if not the best quarterback to ever play in college.
  2. Fair point, I retract previous statement and apologize to @quigley
  3. now if we can hang on to him is a different story
  4. Yes he does, lack of getting pussy will do this
  5. Well stats say that OU has had a better defense than Texas for the past two years.
  6. I think we bring back a bunch of key pieces. Perrion Winfrey is going to be a fucking monster. Our secondary will be much better. Not to pick a scab, but Billy Bowman is going to be very good for us.
  7. Fair enough I think the defense might be as good or better than the offense this year. Our defense has been better than OU's more often than not the last 10 years, so it wouldn't surprise me. I’m not saying that we will have a iron curtain defense, but I do think they will be better than Texas. Just my opinion tho
  8. He's right though You think Texas has a better defense than OU?
  9. Canes and Chipotle can both fuck off
  10. I wouldn’t think so. They have 3 tight ends committed right now.
  11. The number one player in Oklahoma for 2023
  12. I think OU’s 2023 class might end up being the best one we have had since 2019. I think we say this every year, but this one is shaping up pretty nice so far.
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