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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Mine was built in 1989. It's not fancy, but it gets the job done. It's a pain in the ass and needs to be renovated soon, but I'm still glad I'm not dropping $100K+ on a new one. I don't give a fuck about sun shelfs and pool chillers.
  2. I get it. Our time here is a relative blip on the radar. I don't really give a fuck what happened a billion years ago though. I care about what's happening right now. It's becoming overwhelmingly obvious that relatively short-term freak weather occurrences are becoming relatively long-term trends. I'm not sure how anyone can deny that at this point.
  3. Same. I worry about my kids though. Every generation going forward is kind of screwed.
  4. All of it is extremely depressing to me. I used to have this naive belief that in the face of a real, global crisis, humanity would come together and solve the problem. That grown ups would take charge and science and technology would come through. The handling of Covid erased that fantasy. We are fucked. Nothing meaningful will be done and even if it was it's likely too late to matter. Maybe that's a shitty way to look at it. I honestly try not to think about it and just live life.
  5. I like the videos with a split screen showing a person just nodding in agreement and pointing at a different video playing. Why do these exist?
  6. So can someone explain how the orange balls work?
  7. I think we need Greenspoint to weigh in. If anyone gives a shit about the Director's Cup it's that guy.
  8. I immediately write off anyone who is unable to change their mind as a moron who is not worth my time. Absolutely ridiculous that people would consider that a character flaw.
  9. Absolutely. The game shouldn't even exist, let alone determine the champion.
  10. Do people attend college games in person for schools they don't give a shit about? I certainly don't.
  11. Sleeping at 82 degrees is some psychopath shit.
  12. Rubio Monocoat is actually probably what I'd use if you could get that black stain off.
  13. I think that would work. I also like Zinsser BIN which is shellac based. Both stink like hell. Use a quality hard wearing paint to finish it. Or see if you can sand it down and just leave it natural with a clear sealer.
  14. I hope it works out, but my SIL and her two neighbors all put pools in over the past few years. Her two neighbors are currently in legal battles with their pool builders over cracked gunite that they refuse to repair. I'd prepare for the worst and hope it's nothing too serious.
  15. I remember when dorks were clamoring for an upper deck to be added.
  16. This isn't really true. You can find good local places of pretty much any kind of food you can imagine. Hell there's even top tier BBQ now. Only morons eat at these chains. Of course there are more options in Houston.
  17. I don't know who goes to these restaurants, but they do.
  18. We got literally 15 seconds of rain.
  19. It hardly uses any electricity at low speeds.
  20. Surprisingly no. Maybe because it's humid as fuck in Houston.
  21. So it's obviously still fucking awful outside, but I will say it is noticeably less awful when I leave the office for lunch than it was a few days ago. So we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
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