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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. And people will be out there cheering it on. Liberal tears! Pathetic losers.
  2. I kept replaying the ladder scene in my head when I was putting up my lights this year. My neighbors were probably watching out their window waiting for me to fall.
  3. But there are Michelob Ultras. Must be on a diet.
  4. My neighbor waters twice a day every day of the year. Insanity. But hey, his grass is green so worth it.
  5. I have to agree with Mike on this one. Seems like I smell it everywhere these days.
  6. You should make some eggnog with it.
  7. Hey, you're entitled to your opinion so I don't really give a shit. I just think it's weird. And yes, movies from the 80's and 90's were a reflection of what was okay at the time. Not sure what that says about where we are now that we would let that stuff bother us. I mean the worst thing they say is jerk, stupid, ass...etc. They're just words and parents can teach their kids whatever they want with regards to when/if those words should be used. Also, all families are dysfunctional in their own way. Some don't like to admit it though.
  8. It's just a strange take. All the horrible shit in the world and you're taking issue with a movie where a kid drinks Pepsi.
  9. Ahh, this must be one of the weirdos who keeps coming back under different names. Makes sense now.
  10. Why the fuck is the transmission shit at 75K?
  11. I'm staring out the window at mine hoping this cold takes care of them.
  12. But never the ones you need. Especially not a 9V for the chirping smoke detector.
  13. Damn, gotta throw in the Kane miss with commentary. Brutal. Awesome video though.
  14. I'll remember that Final for a long time. Amazing.
  15. Red Lobster and Olive Garden were a big deal when I was a kid. Only got those when Grandpa was paying. I remember a few years back my Mom came to visit and we ate at Pappadeaux because she loved it. The bill came and was probably around $100 or so which is pretty standard these days. She was literally in tears thanking me for such a nice meal. We weren't poor, but we didn't get nice meals much growing up.
  16. Depends on the kids. Mine really aren't into sports and I couldn't care less.
  17. My sample size is also one and hasn't even been a week. Our range is a 'dumb' range with no electronics to speak of so not even comparable to the new dual fuel models. The wall oven is electric and has a touchscreen with a nice looking intuitive interface. I like it so far.
  18. Do they have service in your area? They're a relatively unknown brand and most appliance dealers looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for them. Or I guess you said that was a Miele thing where they required their guys to work on it.
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