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Everything posted by Skyline

  1. You can only tilt at the same windmills for so long (caravan, lgbtq, AOC). The grifters have to keep the content fresh to keep the Trump fans of the world entertained and enraged.
  2. Owens definitely does. She's almost made it an art form. I've almost come to respect Owens for her grift. She ran like hell towards the right of the political spectrum and got showered in fame and money by the right. I don't think she's a true believer but she pulls it off really well.
  3. Glad to know the president listens to these people.
  4. Don't forget India on the list of countries trending to nationalism. Here's a good podcast covering the rise of nationalism in India by NPR. I think it stems back to the economic meltdown in 2008. The last rise of nationalism was in the aftermath of the great depression. Plus it's cool again to hate anything the reactionaries deem the "other." Easier to blame something external than to address internal problems.
  5. Except... they are reporting on them? NYT, politico, Wash Post all have something about these allegations.
  6. You're using a terrible article source. The NYT is barring their journalists from appearing on opinion shows. That includes Maddow, Hannity, but yet if they NYT deems the show to be centrist then it's ok. Also lol at this part:
  7. Apparently he wanted to play guard, and A&M needed him to play tackle. He's probably just a depth guy at Alabama.
  8. The GOP tolerate his ideas despite any harm they cause. They won't oppose him on something like this.
  9. Cornyn just opposed them as well. Graham is never leaving Trump's side and will continue to support whatever.
  10. Retweeting screenshots is not ok, including them on your show is fine actually. The article that set off Laura: https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/31/media/laura-ingraham-paul-nehlen-extremists/index.html
  11. That's basically what I said. What I'm talking about is that the pressure is completely one-sided.
  12. This may be a tired point, but I'm exhausted of this onus solely being placed on the Dems when we know they can't impeach. They can only begin the process and then watch the GOP continue to be the GOP. The double standard in the country between the two parties is insane.
  13. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/attempted-homicide-richard-spencer-speech-gainesville-florida_n_59ea766ae4b0958c468228ff
  14. Brisket was right, there's more people like Icono than we could know.
  15. Omar Manning is one of the top ranked JuCo WR's right now. Never thought I would see his name after he left TCU.
  16. This is a real ledge moment for me @Brisketexan. Where's the liquor?
  17. Guns as a topic really bring out the nihilist in me. You can visit gun forums and some of the gun related subreddits, and a lot of them dislike the NRA for being too soft. I don't see the needle moving anytime soon.
  18. I still remember this story immediately after Parkland where the surviving kids were getting help, through twitter, from other school shooting survivors around the country. It was such a surreal moment. A lot of these kids, their families, and even the larger community as a whole never really recover from the trauma.
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