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Everything posted by Skyline

  1. @Longhornfrenzy is about to mine Daylon Mack's weight in salt.
  2. This staff is known to be oddly confident despite warning signs. So basically nobody knows shit.
  3. I have a couple of friends who have been working for some of these candidates and the general consensus was that Harris is not running an efficient campaign. Her managers all dragged their feet for whatever reason and then watched as the top talents flocked to Biden/Warren/Bernie, and somehow, Booker. I know a lot of campaigns are currently waiting and enjoying that Biden is hogging all the criticism. They just want to be around the top for now and then they'll start being more aggressive. But Harris is either running an exaggerated version of this strategy, or dragging her feet. As for the debate, we have to remember that she will shine in that moment due to her background as an AG. It's the rest of the campaign that we have to watch for. I got caught up in Harris excitement after that moment as well, but it doesn't say much about her being able to weather criticism or how she will function once (if?) Biden exits.
  4. @4th&Five Your crop missed the best part of the tweet btw. Check the name before Ken edited it:
  5. Pete's pulling in big amounts of money. He's going to have some staying power.
  6. You're right, but stooping to his level in a debate will be the worst thing anybody can do against him. I would like for at least one of the presidential candidates to be able to make a coherent, detailed point. Is that too much to ask for?
  7. Wow, Harris is easily the best debater in the field and it isn't even close. Her attacks were very well organized. I would love to see her against Trump.
  8. She wasn't in the public spotlight during the Obama presidency so we don't have an account of her thoughts then. So no, she's not explicitly attacking Obama here, but there are a lot of differences between Obama's immigration policy and what Trump is doing currently.
  9. He drank the koolaid early on, but he's not above some $EC recruiting.
  10. It goes much beyond that. He thinks immigration, of all kinds, is changing the cultural landscape too much and that liberals want immigrants to replace white people. (Does the replacing part remind you of something?) Tucker says immigration makes America "poorer, dirtier, and more divided" (Notice he didn't clarify which kind of immigration.) Tucker also rails against diversity in America. Not just from illegal immigration but of all kinds. He believes white people created civilization. (A classic racist talking point.) That's just a brief rundown of his recent comments. If you think it's just about "illegal immigration" then you haven't been paying attention. People who aren't racist don't speak about this stuff like Tucker does.
  11. So these Republicans would rather get paramilitary groups involved than confront climate change.
  12. There's a simpler answer to that. The GOP and the conservative movement has a ton of sub-groups and only one thing that combines them: being against whatever they deem is to the left of them. As long as Trump keeps repeating that he's owning the libs, the GOP will coalesce to him. That's literally it. People like David French like to wax poetic about what conservatism is and what they stood for in the days of Reagan and Nixon, but it's always been this simple. Nobody shed a light on this until Trump. In the days of Reagan, there was only a facade of everybody being on the same page economically. Lower taxes, less regulation, etc.
  13. So in the past 24 hours, he decided to launch a military strike, then decided to cancel that strike, then shared a video showing his ideology lasting forever, then got accused of rape, and then lied in his denial statement about the rape. In pre-Trump times, the president doing any one of those things would create a firestorm of debate for at least a month. It's just another fuckin day at the WH now.
  14. There have been multiple other women who claim similar things against Trump, including a tape of him admitting to this stuff casually. We shouldn't be surprised anymore but here we are. Forget the man's politics for one moment, and consider the implications of his behavior towards women. That should be enough to disqualify him from any job in the country. But, here we are. I agree with point #1, call it what it is.
  15. I want to believe that he watched Tucker last night who pleaded for the president to not strike. If so, it's good. But also, Tucker holds the line between another war and the current status quo.
  16. The dumbest part is when he claims to be for DACA/The Dreamers and the interviewer cuts him off to point out that Trump, after all, ended DACA. So naturally, Trump goes all over the place in response.
  17. Theres more transcripts in the link, it's just painfully dumb trying to talk to him. I respect the interviewer for not giving him layups on this issue.
  18. And that's a fair argument to make. I should've clarified my comment to mean Hindu Nationalists have risen and want to stop having a secular govt in India. They want their own version of Pakistan, just without Muslims.
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