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Everything posted by leaf

  1. I have to give credit to Vic for that picture. It is from the dumbass shit on Facebook thread.
  2. Bill Cosby 84 Ghislaine Maxwell 60 Harvey Weinstein 69 Vladimir Putin 69 Travis Scott 30 Kim Jong-un 37 Henry Kissinger 98 Kris Jenner 66 Ellen DeGeneres 63 Nancy Pelosi 81
  3. Nah…..She will just hang herself while the guards are sleeping
  4. Wealth, money, bacon. I know I will have 1 of those for sure in 2022.
  5. It just gets a little bit faded. I don't have Facebook. That is probably why it won't load
  6. leaf

    Formula 1 2021

    This sounds very aggy.
  7. Went fishing in Rockport last Monday. It was my stepson’s first fishing trip. His first fish ever was that big 26 inch trout.
  8. Anybody fighting at a sporting event is a piece of shit.
  9. Is that dude on the ground wearing an aggy shirt?
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