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Everything posted by lmao

  1. Do people spike the football on someone who didn't get the flu vaccine yet dies from the flu? This is so bizarre. I got the JJ vaccine. If someone doesn't want to get it that's their (stupid imo) decision and risk they want to take. Other than that who gives a fuck.
  2. Two decades of TRT and HGH will do that to you.
  3. I listened to this in the background, if you're a laymen who knows nothing about Austin he came off as a semi-competent mayor. Joe was giving him softballs the entire time.
  4. Apparently gang activity is not uncommon in that area. No idea Minne was that bad.
  5. I remember seeing a "Don't Californicate Austin" bumper sticker like 12 years ago. You also have guys like Joe Rogan being a hype man for Austin on the biggest podcast in the world, he and others seem hell bent on making it a mini version of L.A.
  6. The death of local newspapers and journalism is sad. They were a tremendous asset for the public good.
  7. What was their justification for labeling them anti-semitic? Any proof?
  8. Sounds like something 4chan could track down in a few days
  9. Dear God this is awful. This POS is definitely hiding out somewhere
  10. Are those guys still professors? I have a feeling the ADL, etc., would destory their lives.
  11. Source? I see articles say they never gave it up. The fact they even said no..the balls.
  12. So we funded the creation of it and they won't give us the source code?
  13. Chimp would be the last on the list I'd want in a cage match. At least with the others the death would be quicker.
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