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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. But the poster is saying that M4M4BEAR has some other “terrible mistake” meaning. What is the terrible mistake meaning?
  2. ABSR

    Fat People

    Good barbecue does not need sauces. Mediocre to poor barbecue does.
  3. I would want the "Sex General" title...and all the authority and powers that come with it.
  4. How do you say "I bet you $20 I can tell you where you got 'dem shoes?" in Spanish?
  5. I think Atlantic City would be the real loser. Las Vegas will be okay.
  6. .... and black. And possibly a sanitation worker.
  7. You need to get any random person off the street such as a homeless guy, a guy with a sandwich board standing on the corner, or an unknown person on the internet to tell this to her. You should then act incredulous about the "fact", and that way she will adopt it as the gospel truth that you can never convince her is incorrect. This is wife level 3 stuff - "Managing the marriage so you get to 'death do us part' without being the one killing someone." Level 1 is 'Honeymoon' phase also called "You're an idiot". Level 2 is 'We are Partners' phase where you believe you can rationally discuss and work with her to solve issues. Also known as "You're still and idiot".
  8. If he had "Chose not to Run!" this all could have been avoided.
  9. ABSR

    Fat People

    No, no! They could put the money into the same "lock box" that has our social security money. Just think of all that money safe in the "lock box!"
  10. This is why we rebelled! FREEDOMMMMMM ..... and garlic butter dipping sauce.
  11. ABSR

    Fat People

    ABSR : "Who is bread and the salad bar for at the Brazilian Steak House?" ABSR jr 1 and 2: "SUCKERS!!!' -- We actually eat very healthy and well (compared to most of America). But on the rare instance when we go to a place like this I am not going to spend money and time on extraneous stuff.
  12. Well then I may have to rethink going to a game.
  13. I have been avoiding this as I think both sides are off. When he is next to the car he is not directly pointing at the rifle at the driver but has the gun in a ready position which is an aggressive position. But he is also not pointing at the ground...that is my take. However, if you think this picture is "the same position he was holding it in the picture next to the vehicle" you need to look again and back off that statement or you have no credibility. This picture/position and how he approached the vehicle are not remotely similar.
  14. Two Haiti stories from active duty times. I was on a U.S. Navy ship in the 90's and for whatever political reason the US was doing a naval a blockade of Haiti that my ship was part of enforcing. We saw a vessel trying to go past us so we went up to it, but the guy would not stop his boat when requested. We pulled up next to him with guns out and again told him to stop. He is in a small fishing boat and he tells us the boat has a leak and he can't stop or the boat will sink. We judged him to be correct and let him keep on going. Also ran into a young enlisted guy in Army or Marines when we pulled in for liberty somewhere in that area. He had been on the ground with the U.S. military effort to stabilize and help the country. He was a 19-20 year old black kid/man who said he was from the projects growing up, and his comment was that he thought he grew up poor and knew what poor was, but after being in Haiti he had had no idea what poor really meant until then. Super poor country with lot's of corruption. Not any easy fixes.
  15. ABSR

    Fat People

    Every diet works, and every person is on a diet. Part of understanding weight management is understanding that you are already on a diet, just likely a bad one. And after you do change your diet/lifestyle to lose weight, you need to eventually have a plan for what the "maintain weight" diet/lifestyle will look like, otherwise people will claim success and then revert back to prior habits and prior weight gain.
  16. Either in this video, or somewhere else is a guy with a giant smile on his face who knows he is the luckiest SOB in the world.....Crazy Mother-in-Law's ex-husband.
  17. Into the car with no storage space....but I agree it seems they backed up to load something.
  18. ABSR

    Fat People

    Just because the boy has floppy tits, doesn't mean Lobo should monetize them.
  19. Whatever AI created the simulation is as lazy as we are.
  20. ABSR

    Fat People

    And remember that food can be a big comfort in times like these.
  21. ABSR

    Fat People

    "High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a fructose-glucose liquid sweetener alternative to sucrose (common table sugar) first introduced to the food and beverage industry in the 1970s." What a strange coincidence?
  22. I'm guessing the girls did not have the same "everyone ... looks incredible" thought.
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