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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. Sure this isn’t Bill in Sinton?
  2. If you watch that interview linked above, he blames his fictional mugging on the fact that he was a so vociferously anti-trump (he calls him "45"). Juicy not only staged a hate crime, he did it to misrepresent millions of people with whom he disagrees politically... He viewed this fictional mugging as a political weapon, not just an attention getter. This guy is utter scum and should be thrown in general population for whatever length of time these felony charges allow for.
  3. I mean... race baiting is kinda a very shitty thing to do... and the media pours gasoline on every race baiting fire... so... yeah, i can see why people wanted this ass clown to burn. you don't fuck around with hate crimes dude.
  4. I didn't read this thread. Have there been any posts where someone here actually thinks this guy was innocent???
  5. I say we play the long game and pay Tom Brady's stud fees for the next 10 years...
  6. Did his mullet join him in the portal? 😕
  7. the faculty are going to lose their fucking mind.. lolol
  8. Guess I'll see you shits next year.
  9. In order to have panic, you have to give a shit, and I think most here have run out of shits to give. We're basically talking about the weather here.
  10. I keep saying... our culture at UT would crush Saban.... We are to coaches what the Cleveland Browns are to quarterbacks... Bring in the best if you want.. But our culture (fans/admin/BMDs) will find a way to destroy them... #undefeated.
  11. pretty sure if we get results, our $6 million coach would quickly turn into a $10 million coach... Thing is, we haven't had results...
  12. I know we're constantly changing what words mean these days, but even I'm shocked that shopping and stealing are now interchangeable...
  13. I think this is waaayyyy too simplistic. Let me argue your simplistic view with my own... If not for BMDs and Regents, UT Football would have very little support. It's been stated elsewhere, but by and large the faculty loathe the football program due to all the money it spends. The student body is becoming more disassociated with sports in general.. The Administration really doesn't care about the program's competitiveness because successful or not it generates a ton of revenue. All they really care about deep down is that the money rolls in and the program doesn't create legal or political problems for them. So yeah, I think billionaire alumni with egos that want their team to beat other billionaires' teams is fundamentally what's driving (and funding) our ability to compete. Without those egos and the money behind it, I'm not even sure where we'd be... probably a Berkeley... Which is what we'll be in 15 years anyway (I truly believe, as these old BMDs die off and new moneyed alumni just don't care as much).
  14. I’m actually adjusting my position on this one.. A bowl game would simply be punishment for these players… forcing them to spend the end of the year in 5 extra weeks of brutal practice and a nameless bowl game they know they’ll lose… fuck ‘em.
  15. In OP's fantasy we'd end up facing Hayden Fox and the Screaming Minnesota Eagles in the Pioneer Bowl... Fuck it... we should just bring in a dump truck on the 50 yard line at Memorial and just set fire to a bunch of spare tires... I'd buy a ticket and about 8 tall boys to just sit there and watch it burn.
  16. town lake has all kinds of nasty shit... now blood..?..? fuck this noise... Austin really has slid...
  17. Yeah, but I think you can find that bias everywhere in America, prosecutors bringing charges or not bringing charges because of political motivations or world views. It's a cancer that needs to be confronted and excised.
  18. No offense. But... we're missing about a hundred things... I guess on field leadership is one of them.
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