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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ndawg

  1. If the Democrats could rely on the Republicans not being hypocrites, then the Democrats could stick to their principles. As it stands, they need to do everything in their power to stop the Republicans from gaining an inch of power.
  2. I crawl like a viper through these suburban streets. Make love to the women, languid and bittersweet. I rise when the sun goes down, Cover every game in town. A world of my own. I'll make it my home sweet home.
  3. We have one advantage. They are dumb as shit and we are not. That’s our only hope.
  4. The word "simply" is why you don't understand the hysteria.
  5. Indeed, Hitler was a nincompoop. The success of the Germans in WWII stemmed from their systemic approach to wartime preparation and manufacturing ingenuity. For instance, they developed a system for mass producing aircraft by a very clever form of task scheduling that has since become the norm in manufacturing across the world. It was America's manufacturing that managed to outclass them, through selfless teamwork, united against common cause. Detroit was huge for us in WWII. Detroit died when the boomers took over and couldn't keep pace with the competition from Japan. I shudder at the thought that we might be the country that needs invading before it's all over.
  6. It's funny seeing some people still holding out hope. Sociopaths have taken over America. Game. Set. Match. These are people that have no idea how to actually create value. They only know how to sequester the profits from value created by somebody else. What's really important about this is that, as they gain power, their utter inability to govern is going to precipitate a dramatic decline in our country's fortunes. And so how do they maintain social order in the face of rapid decline after they've subverted our democratic process? They won't suddenly learn how to actually govern, so instead they'll reach right into their comfort zone of wealth sequestration. Whose wealth will the sequester? That's easy to answer. Them. Liberals. Jews. Brown people. This may sound like hyperbole to the naive, but I promise, when faced with the choice of admitting they have no idea how to run our country, and keeping their scheme going a little bit longer by playing to the same bigotry they've fomented and capitalized on... ... yeah, we know how this ends.
  7. There are two ways to alleviate the anxiety we're experiencing right now. 1. Get really, really intoxicated 2. Fight back (after sobering up) I think we can get unanimous agreement on #1. #2 can wait till tomorrow.
  8. He's going to say the rule only applied in 2016 because it was Obama's second term.
  9. He's just trolling at this point. Has to be. No one can be this stupid How this works: 1. Trump says something he'd like to be true. "Nobody has done more for Puerto Rico than me." 2. We all say it's outlandish. Meanwhile, while we react, his army of bootlickers pore through his presidency and finds a tiny factoid of evidence that, when mixed together with some extremely flimsy reasoning, suggests that Trump has done something for Puerto Ricans. It can be any act, no matter how small, and the logic doesn't have to be sound. In fact, it's better if the logic isn't sound, and that the benefit isn't great, which I'll get to in a second. 3. His base laps up the rationalization and, consequently, what Trump would like to be true now is true among those who have agreed to the shared delusion. Ever wonder why Trumpists keep saying things like "the media never reports on all the good things he does?" This is (I think) what they're talking about. Now, about that flimsy logic based on minimal evidence. This is actually a feature. The Trumpists have highly compartmentalized minds, and one of those compartments believes that Puerto Ricans are subhuman brown people. They have to square "Trump has done more for the people of Puerto Rico than any other president" with an underlying desire that no president ever do anything for the Puerto Ricans. So if the argument for what Trump has done for them is extremely tenuous, then they walk away affirmed that nobody really gives a shit about Puerto Ricans. Every little compartment in their tiny little brains gets a dopamine hit from this entire process. Trump says stupid shit because his vile henchmen and deplorable base are 100% dedicated to distorting our collective reality until it's not stupid anymore.
  10. Maybe his handlers have decided to reduce his dosage for the next couple weeks to reinvigorate his response to the drug in time for October.
  11. I don't think you understood the comment you were replying to.
  12. Fair enough. I'm glad they are improving their modeling, I just declared a holy war four years ago against the notion that a model that predicted a 25% chance for Trump to win is bunk. I jumped to the conclusion that I was seeing that here, sorry about that.
  13. 538's model was absolutely fine. And how would you propose that a predictive model account for momentum? It doesn't seem possible.
  14. Either way, permitting this kind of atrocity has the same effect on our population distribution. In the end, I don't think it'll matter if the first doctor who performed medically unnecessary sterilization procedures happened to have a profit motive. I imagine you see it the same way, but nonetheless, I couldn't stop myself from saying it.
  15. My first instinct was to question whether ICE is "Nazi enough" at this point in time to carry out such despicable cruelty. I thought, "surely not, there is no way that depth of cruelty would be tolerated." Then I looked at it from a different angle. If an organization like ICE were soliciting doctors to come take care of detainees, then hypothetically speaking, would a psychopathic doctor be likely to volunteer? And if there were a lone psychopathic doctor performing medically unnecessary hysterectomies at an ICE camp, how would I expect ICE to react? Let's put ourselves in the deplorable shoes of an ICE agent that notices that the doctor seems to be performing an awful lot of hysterectomies. If he's doing something wrong and gets caught, then he alone bears all the responsibility. You have all the plausible deniability of the the doctor's credentials shielding you. You aren't really required to THINK about whether this is a bad thing or not. You can just let the doctor keep doing his doctor thing. Compartmentalization is a bitch.
  16. Wow, when that lady was complaining (paraphrasing): "George Floyd said 'I can't breathe' and everyone sympathized, but here we are saying, 'I can't breathe' and nobody cares about us" That. is. maximum. stupid.
  17. What I love about the “show me links please” types of rubes is that if they ever paused their irrational skepticism for just a moment and revealed what they’re actually *for*, everyone would immediately discover that their entire worldview was assembled from an evidentiary standard that’s dialed in to a setting that’s just a smidge stricter than the flat earthers.
  18. Oh it’s okay, the minute a story with anonymous sources reinforces his worldview, he’ll suddenly remember basic civics.
  19. Whole lotta Babylon 5 gifs in here today. Highly topical.
  20. Blue states need to start leveraging their superior intellect. Here’s how you make a peaceful breakup happen: ”Hey red states. Y’all tired of our socialism being a drag on our shared resources? How about we go our separate ways. If you’re right, we’ll be Venezuela in a few years, crumbling under the weight of our impractical social programs and you’ll be rich thanks to not having to carry us on your back anymore. Why not stand by your beliefs? You’re not scared, are you?”
  21. Oh, right. The stupidity of the last four years of Trump must have broken my sarcasm meter.
  22. The flip side of critical thinking skills is that they are the same as rationalization skills. Smart people with underdeveloped psychologies can sustain a belief in nonsense better than most. Bobby Fisher is a good example.
  23. Libertarians are the exact opposite of people who expect others to act like responsible human beings. Ideologically, they want a government that holds people to the absolute lowest moral standard they can utter with a straight face, and in practice (as evident by their silence on this issue) their bar is even lower. In reality, Libertarians have proven time and again to be simpletons who adopt a contrarian stance on everything because it makes them feel smart. That they believe that in the absence of government “encroachment,” the better parts of human nature will somehow win out has got to be one of the all time stupidest self delusions adopted on a broad scale. It goes toe to toe with believing that leeches will cure disease.
  24. There is a higher calling on everyone who contemplates their own existence long enough to juxtapose it against the whole of human suffering. Whether we adhere to a faith or not, we all have a duty to overwhelm that suffering with love. The people I know to be Christians whom I actually respect all get this.
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