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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Xminus6

  1. Haha. I made that original image. I think I uploaded a high res version of it in here a while back.
  2. How fucked is this? Reading these I was somehow surprised to see my own high school in one of those tweets. I sent to have forgotten that there was a mass shooting event there TWO MONTHS AGO. I guess it got drown out by all the other mass shooting event since then.
  3. It’s basically everything that happens after filming ends.
  4. Ball with a Foghorn Leghorn accent.
  5. Yeah. I think I was having TWD flashbacks and fearing that she would be a main villain for Terri seasons.
  6. I thought about that episode after watching episode 3 last week.
  7. http://www.wnycstudios.org/story/kleptotherms/.org/story/kleptotherms/
  8. I listened to a podcast about this. The “normal” body temperature is based on almost no science at all. It was derived from a very small sample size without any real variables introduced. It was codified into our collective consciousness because thermometer makers wanted to give people reasons to buy thermometers. They picked a number that someone gave them based on some cursory research and it became the known body temperature. Found it: <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="130" width="100%" src="https://www.wnyc.org/widgets/ondemand_player/wnycstudios/#file=/audio/json/1105854/&share=1"></iframe>
  9. Insider on IT says they’re about to lose a starting OL.
  10. I don’t think it’s the worst theory. You have to think Aggy is looking under every couch cushion to find a legal way to fire him with cause. Even a moron would understand that he’s under extra scrutiny and $80m dollars are at stake.
  11. Did anyone even stop to realize that his QB is his own son? Why would he pursue a highly ranked QB to create and QB controversy with his own kid?
  12. Why no mention of the monkey biting?
  13. If the NEW SEC of so easy, why did they have the worst record in decades with the highest rated classes in their history?
  14. Would be hilarious if he went elsewhere.
  15. What the fuck is going on on this page? It’s like they speak English, but only 50%. The weird grammar reads like a Google translation of a Texags.cn page.
  16. selling insurance to Aggies.
  17. Seriously. What's the deal with the fish? Is it a play on Jimbo's name? They're Fischer Men or something? They have it on all their commits' edits right?
  18. I'd like to think that Leach would appreciate the rubes using that quote posthumously specifically because they misunderstood or misrepresented it. Exactly as he intended.
  19. They’ll have both teams play both ways. It’ll just be burgundy vs. burgundy.
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