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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. Perfectly thrown to photographers in the corner of the stadium.
  2. Someone please mute RGKnee. ”Worthy of praise…” fuck that’s terrible.
  3. NFL doesn’t know what a catch OR a hold is anymore.
  4. No hold when Giants OL tackles Dallas DL? What? that was EGREGIOUS.
  5. Giants faking injuries to slow down Dallas offense?
  6. He did. Refs are Black and Blue for the Giants too though. Awful.
  7. He generally runs strong against Giants and Eagles.
  8. “Run game is working, let’s throw it to the other guys”.
  9. Texas put up 17 in the first half. Texas put up 38 in the 2nd half Sam struggling was a misrememberance on my part. Texas offense not being nearly as productive with Sam in as it was with Casey in was exactly as I thought I remembered it.
  10. I watched Sam struggle against the same ass Colorado that Casey lit up or did we actually watch different games?
  11. Nor was it a get out of jail card. However, a LOSS to such a team often is a “you’re fired” card, especially a loss later in the coaching tenure (see, Strong, Charlie).
  12. I watched Casey Thompson thoroughly skull fuck Colorado after Sam struggled to dominate them. The ONLY personnel change was Thompson for Sam. So while Sam had strengths that Card and Thompson didn’t have, it is likely and possible that they brought something else to the table that Sam didn’t. regardless, Herman was rightfully fired.
  13. We are talking about Kansas, not ISU or KSU, and last year’s Kansas was particularly awful.
  14. Well, sorry I missed your joke. Good thing I also pointed out that their records were vastly different as well.
  15. Oooooooh, were you the (or one of the) “it’s racist to fire Strong” guy?
  16. I have zero expectations. I wouldn’t be shocked if we lost, nor would I be shocked if we won. I WOULD be shocked if we won AND Kansas beat KSt, because we can’t have nice things.
  17. Mack Brown almost lost to USC, so he has no National Championship.
  18. No I used the results of defeating or being defeated by Kansas as an indicator. One guy WON and the other guy LOST. Are you unable to understand the difference in the two outcomes?
  19. That’s a stupid way of thinking. Herman had the biggest win in a very long time at TEXAS beating Georgia and had an appearance in the CCG. That’s a relatively successful season. Strong was never going to make a conference championship appearance at TEXAS because he was the worst HC in Texas football history. if your claim is “Herman didn’t win a conference or national title, so he was just as bad as Strong” then how on earth do you keep a straight face while gargling Sark’s ball batter?
  20. Herman won. Sarkisian lost. Strong lost. That’s a huge difference.
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