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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Everything posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. Just replying. It was a post about cancelling on politics. As I said I'm done with it but that was some nonsense she posted. I get to address it. It's an issue what I brought up. I also, didn't see that until after I posted my reply. I stand by it though. I post what I think is good content on Food and Football board.
  2. Here we go. Prop bets, 1Q bets, game bets. Wish me luck!
  3. OK, that looks incredible. How much did that set you back? I had a little sticker shock when I was looking at tomahawks last week.
  4. I thought he was Bravo? I know a number of people kept saying it. What changed? New info?
  5. I had some TX bourbon whiskey last night. Never had it before. Very tasty. Highly recommend. So much so I'm going to go find a bottle of it to have at home.
  6. #1 I am pro vax and never once spread 1 lie. That's your damn warped opinion. You're not the purveyor of truth. All Lies. You went deep into posts all over the place. I wasn't crowdsourced. I was Penelope sourced. You spent the better part of a few days dispensing hundreds. I mean upwards of 400 to 500 negs to get me kicked off. You even negged my funny ass Urban Meyer posts. That's why this is an issue and you ALWAYS seem to be in the middle of it. Why is that? It isn't about rep. It's about you trying to cancel people you disagree with politically which you actually did with me. It's stupid. This is the last I'll say about it but I won't have you twisting what happened. Just fucking chill and stop harassing people you disagree with politically. Ignore them if you must.
  7. Oh really? I had an unhinged person neg me 100 of times in just a couple day period going deep into Football posts to find posts to neg. Care to comment @PenelopeWitherspoon?
  8. Complaining? Numbnuts, I'm requesting to be put on ignore by that bipolar mess. I don't know why she doesn't ignore all these people she negs 24/7? She even said it made her Surly experience 1000 better. She missed the hole that hate filled though so poor @Bravogot unignored it looks. It would make everyone's experience better if she stopped her antics with many us. Just put the whole lot of us on ignore.
  9. You are a miserable human. I see you're up to your same mentally ill nonsense in this thread. Can you block me but block me for good not for a day? You are unstable as many others have noticed.
  10. I have liked a ton of posts in this thread today. He posted a lot today and I agree with him and others. You keep track of likes? You are a troll. Do you add anything other than trolling? You are like the left's version of Alex Jones.
  11. I said what I said earlier. I said I got covid last fall and recovered. I said I wasn't going to get the vax per this new large scale Israeli study with 30K people in it showing natural immunity to be as strong if not better than vax immunity. I said I am not going to vax and risk it with my naturally acquired immunity. I also said high risk people should get vaxxed and anyone else afraid of being hospitalized. That was it. I never told people not to vax. I never doubted the vax. Didn't matter because as someone said here there is no nuance. If you're not for the mandate you're anti vaxxer. I was crowd sourced mainly by 1 crazy person Penelope unable to comprehend what I was saying other than I must be antivax. Now things I was saying seem be more widely accepted in terms of the efficacy of naturally acquired immunity.
  12. Exactly as I thought. I just said what is exactly being said here. I just said it earlier. Typical baseless CR claim. Already seen some of those just today here.
  13. That's untrue. If you're going to make a claim like that then state what I said which was misinformation.
  14. I got run out of town speaking about natural immunity here a few mos back. I can attest to this. All I said I'm going to rely on my natural immunity per a very large study out of Israel. I had it and data was showing natural immunity looks strong. Now there are even more studies demonstrating it. Never spoke out against the vax just said natural immunity appears quite strong and I won't be getting vaxxed. The hate was real.
  15. I had it this week for 2 days. It was like a cold. Didn't lose any taste or smell this time. Headache was there. Sore throat. A buddy gave it to me. He owes me. Well maybe just a 6 pack. Nothing at all like last fall when I had it. Still haven't recovered 10-20% of my smell from round 1. No vax.
  16. You're a proven liar. You pose a great question. Why are you so concerned with rep? I just checked you have given out an astounding 2400 negs. There is no way anyone else on this board is even close to that number. That's someone who is very concerned with rep. Psychotic is right as Trey said.
  17. Seriously? You're the troll who does chase people around the board. You definitely did it to me negging even football posts and looks like you have done it elsewhere. No one believes you.
  18. That's the symptoms I got 14 Mos ago when I got it. The fatgue lasted an entire week along with a headache most of that time. I did get a heavy chest for a day but never went beyond that thank God. Good thing is I've read Omicron is mainly more upper respiratory than the other variants.
  19. I had it last week. Daughter had over half her class out and 3 of her closest friends all get it from a sleep over she was at. She had a headache maybe 2 days later and then I got symptoms 2 days after that. Felt tired for a day. Headache and sneezing/congestion. 1 day later totally fine. Tested positive to confirm. I had covid originally over a yr ago in Nov. It lasted a week and was 50x worse. This was nothing. FYI not vaxxed. Maybe I would've had no symptoms at all if vaxxed? Not sure but it was not even in the top 30 colds I've had in my life.
  20. BTW I never got vaxxed. Nov 2020 I got alpha or beta. It was rough. Sense of smell didnt come back for 3 mos. New Cron I made a bitch. Like a head cold. I think my T-cells fired.
  21. Recap of what Supreme Court justices claimed as fact. It's quite amazing. (FYI grossly wrong) : - 90% of hospitalized are unvaccinated - over 100,000 children hospitalized - 750 million positive cases yesterday - vaccines stop transmission - Omicron deadlier than Delta - OSHA has broad police power
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