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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Spinnaker for good dive watch designs, and a very good bang for the buck IMO. pancetta for a pilots or maybe a fleiger design
  2. Sure yer a dick, but not for that reason, you post on Surly that confers instant dick status.
  3. Pretty much the golden era of rock. Stones, Who, CSNY, Doors, Dead, Dylan (my holy triumvirate of D's) Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Joplin, Buffalo Springfield, Yardbirds, Clapton, Zappa, Lou Reed which all led us to Punk, and the second British invasion, stop me if you've heard this before... Not even really discussing Woodstock, or Monterey Pop festival.
  4. I always contact the seller to discuss the watch and get some additional details before purchasing. So far I've had good luck but I would definitely be more concerned about brands that are more likely to be fakes or vintage pieces. Well, you're buying the seller as much as the watch.
  5. Love the Canyons . We see more moose there than anywhere else. Love the 9990 run
  6. "Windows" at the top of E chair at Breckenridge today. Great fresh powder, a good, steep tree run with no one but us, and a bluebird sky.
  7. Heath should have received a damned Oscar for that role.
  8. Hell, it''s not even on a Conde Nast must do vacation destination.
  9. Center left looking up hill. Accesses Good blacks in and out of trees, varied terrain. Faces the windows as you look south eastish.
  10. It means service sucks, prices go up, and you get less shit than you did before probably.
  11. Slopes at Breck chair 8 after 6” of fresh on Tuesday.
  12. Black Eyed Man by the Cowboy Junkies. Margo Timmons brother who writes much of their material does his best stuff when in one of his manic, suicidal, low swings.
  13. Deer are becoming like roaches in so many areas. Too many for the food sources, traffic accidents, wasting disease. Cars are now at the top of the food chain when it comes to keeping deer populations in check. Many subdivisions use crossbows, and crossbow hunters to cull herds.
  14. Murder is up every fucking place every major and not so major city in America right now
  15. Yeah there are places like that, one place we frequent has a sign right as you walk in “EAT AND GET THE HELL OUT”
  16. Not if you're having continual drinks at a decent rate. The profit margin on cocktails is higher than meals. I get the value of a table, but the work involved for bringing a drink is less than managing meals in the kitchen. Now if it's happy hour prices for drinks I tip a bit more because the waitstaff is still working at their regular rate. Often when we we'd hang at a bar to watch a game we'd trip a server up front, and say this is to show you we'll tip correctly so bring us your A game service. Typically more more was left after the bill was settled up.
  17. Well hell, that just makes ‘em more valuable …
  18. A Saturday night Super Bowl would be cool. Productivity the Monday after would skyrocket
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