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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. Well, yeah he did hire the guy that did that. I grew up with Landry on the sidelines though. I'll agree to stipulate that post firing of Landry when he fired Jimmy was the real downhill.
  2. Uhhh back it up there pard'. The downhill fall was the day he bought it, and then fired coach Landry...
  3. Yeah, but J. Edgar could rock a backless red dress, and 5" heels...
  4. You're right... cheesy, and cardboard like is a better description. Come at me brah... pain don't hurt....
  5. We'd already be seeing much of (and more maybe) of the types of things on Mr. Bidens wish list with Mr. Obama if not for the financial melt down in front of his plan for a transformation of America. He had Congress in his corner.
  6. The biggest problem with a new paint job is then you're worried about every little scratch, nick, road bruise. I drive my car when the temperature, and sun allows. My car has a decent paint job, a little rust bubble on the drivers door, and several slight scratches here, and there, a new one would look amazing, but not gonna think about that for a while. That paint job looks like it needs to be re done with the actual peeling paint, and other blemishes. Painting would be done after I'd taken care of the interior, under the hood, and body. $20k ? That still seems a bit high on a small car like that, but of course the quality of the paint, and the skill of the painter would factor in.
  7. Yeah fair points. I’d say when you take characters, and scenes to the absurd level they do in don’t look up it better have a comedic angle cause it’s not going to be taken as a serious drama, or serious anything. black comedy was actually a good take on it.
  8. Strangelove is dealing with a deadly serious problem Issue and it was on the nose, and funny as shit . Cold War arms race funny ? Fugetaboutit…
  9. They couldn't stop shit yesterday.
  10. Am I really seeing a plaid pattern on a police vehicle ?
  11. Sarcasm, and playing it straight can work together very well (I don't mean serious/drama straight). The Jonah Hill snack scene scene I mentioned in my last post was a prime example, of just a really weak, dumb, shallow bit. A kernel of truth always makes a satire work better Yeah there were some very funny bits. If it was meant to be serious it fell flat on its face then. It does fall into the black comedy genre as well as satire. Look I liked it, I'd have liked a less cartoonish character storyline. Is it going to age well ?
  12. Why does this image come to mind when I look at this guy ?
  13. The best comedy is played straight. Jonah Hills character, and some of his scenes like chucking water bottles, and bags of pretzels in a room, and telling Jennifer L. they'll lay down some paper so she can piss was about as ham handed, and stupid as it gets. One of his best scenes is sitting in the situation room waiting for mama to come back.. She's coming back.. she's coming back. That was funny as shit. No not at all. You aren't changing the world with this movie so don't dumb it down to the lowest common denominator of cartoon characters. Sarcasm is much better, funnier, and more biting than blunt force trauma with a bat.
  14. Good flick, good squad of actors in there. It's a love story, and a bit chick flickish, but jets dammit !! Jets !!!
  15. Yeah, that was probably her objection... poor spelling...
  16. They wanted that physical infrastructure legislation linked with the human infrastructure legislation. That's what started all the monetary cost push back.
  17. If they'd stuck to an infrastructure bill of actual physical infrastructure that would've, and should have been a slam dunk piece of legislation.
  18. Well that would put her ahead of Kamalla...
  19. Damn man just how sloppy are you ?
  20. You aren’t on team, you aren’t on the field, you weren’t in the weight room, at two a days, in the rehab room. STFU and cheer for your team as a fan, and stop being a fucking loser, and try to show some class….. AND TAKE THAT FUCKING JERSEY OFF !!!
  21. Well I did say a shit load AND north of $2m The definition of a shit load is a lot, $20m is a lot, so shit load can mean $20m
  22. He had some moments, but did post some funny stuff in other threads I think. Thanks for the background.
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