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Immaculate Vibes

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Posts posted by Immaculate Vibes

  1. 3 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    No. Just fucking no. We have a saying in the fire service, and it’s a saying that is used to drive decision making in the heat of battle. Risk a lot to save a lot. Risk a little to save a little. Risk nothing to save nothing. Risk a lot to save a lot means that no matter how dire the situation may appear, if there is any chance that my actions could lead to a positive outcome then I’m all in. All in means all in. I stood in front of my coworkers, my family, and the taxpayers that pay my salary and swore service before self. That’s what a civil servant is. There’s a handwritten letter in my locker at work. It has my wife’s name on it and it is sealed in an envelope. There are two people that know about that letter, and she isn’t one of them. In that letter is everything I hope she never has to read. But I wrote it because if the day ever comes where it’s either me or Joe Shit the ragman that gets to go home, then my last act on this earth is trying to make sure Ms. Joe Shit isn’t a widow. And I’m at peace with that. I come to work with the goal of going home to my family at the end of my shift, but with the understanding that everyone else goes home to theirs first.

    What you’re condoning is cowardice and I’m not ok with it.

    Agreed. Firemen have more balls than cops. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 12 minutes ago, Serak The Preparer said:

    I keep reading these threads and am going more and more insane. @Immaculate Vibes asking why it's possible to be ashamed to be a Texan. @Bevo joining @Skipper as well-off straight middle-aged white dudes who either have the luxury of not paying attention to politics or not seeing the structural rot within the GOP because it doesn't directly impact them. @Trey3216, @BabaYaga and countless others saying "I don't support murdering kids" when they really mean "I support not-murdering-kids LESS THAN I support lower taxes". 

    And now we, as a nation, are going to spend the next precious moments of potential sanity arguing about the action of shitty cops in Uvalde, who realistically are no more or no less shitty than any cops in other fucking city in this country, and whether we could have celebrated only having, say, 12 dead kids, or 10 dead kids, or maybe getting super duper lucky and having 8 dead kids. These cops were just cops. They want to live - which makes total sense - it's a natural reaction. So surely we can all pivot to "oh, maybe more cops in schools aren't the solution because it turns out THEY FUCKING SUCK" and actually work to solve the problem.

    Yeah, I'll hold my breath on that last point and see what happens.


    Ultimately the 2nd amendment is a constitutional right. The only thing I could see possibly making a dent is banning rifle and shotgun sales under 21 but it’s not a guarantee to even help. The main problem as it relates to school shootings and gun deaths is there’s more guns than people In this country. 


    • Fuck You 5
  3. 19 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:


    17 out of 50? Pretty middle of the road. 


    59 minutes ago, Foosters said:



    10 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Oh yeah?  Why?

    Because it’s historic. I’ll be the last one to heckle the man even if I disagree with him. He’s coming here like the other elected officials did earlier this week. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's long past time, my friend.

    Lifelong Texan.....5th generation.  My great great grandfather has a historical marker on his grave (interestingly enough, for his service IN LAW ENFORCEMENT).  My family and blood are woven in the fabric of this state.  But this state has betrayed me, and my fellow Texans, and it continues to double down on that betrayal, to take joy and pride in that betrayal.

    I will not fly its flag.  I will not have "state pride."  I have deep, deep shame.  And at my core, at the center of my being, pure burning rage.

    This. If my children were in the line of fire, I would charge in armed with my bare hands.  I would literally take a bullet for them.  And anyone who stood in my way?  If I was there in Uvalde, I might have killed a cop with my bare hands myself to try to get to my kids.

    If the stories and videos we're getting about the cops on scene are even 50% accurate, this is my advice for those cops:


    I get being disgusted with these cops. If this is all true no one is more disgusted than people connected to Uvalde or the victims, believe me. 

    I don’t get how it equates to a shame about being Texan. We have pretty middle of the road gun laws as far as Americans go. Maybe you’re ashamed of being American? 

    • Fuck You 7
  5. 22 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    Well, "officially" a recession has been 2 proven quarters of contraction in a row (measured by various means).  Lots of people still use this, although the NBER defines a recession as "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months..."

    But I agree with you that the impression or dread of recession can alter company/consumer behavior, and sometimes bring them on faster.  However, there have been a number of times where the country followed a negative month by a positive one.  

    Latest gdp now estimate for Q2 is 1.8. Was 2.4 last week. 

    • Rage+1 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Have we considered drone striking the mass shootings?  Maybe there is an angle there. 

    This guy knows a thing or two about drone strikes. Interesting pivot attempt  



    • Fuck You 15
  7. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This fucking happened once in Beto's community already.  Dude is tired as hell of seeing it happen in someone else's. 

    So he should know better. 

    13 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Can someone please inform me when the "right time" to demand accountability and change is, so I can put it on my calendar? Is it like a Teams meeting, or...?

    I’m closer to believing the time was right than the place. The place was 100% wrong. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 5
  8. 13 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Shocked, grief stricken, and mad as hell.  And having to eat a shit sandwich listening to these people grandstand themselves.  I have zero problem with him calling out their bullshit.  Regardless of whether it might also have had a potential political benefit to him.

    Are you talking about yourself? I’m talking about actual Uvalde residents.

    You asked where the regular citizens were? The ones that are directly affected are not acting like that because it’s not the natural reaction. 


    12 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    I think it's a bigger asshole move and political grandstanding to hold a press conference the day after a shooting to blame it on mental health, while at the same time stealing hundreds of millions in funding from state mental health services.

    That's something only a sick son of a bitch would do.

    It's not making it political to demand some fucking action to be taken after school after school is shot up. Standing back and claiming you can't do anything about it is making it political.

    Fuck outta here like we shouldn't be full of rage at the decades of systemic failures that result in kids walking through metal detectors and doing shooter drills and thinking that's normal for school.

    It’s their job as elected officials to visit there and speak. 

    I’m just clarifying the difference between citizens removed from a situation like this and those directly affected. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 4
  9. 1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

    Perhaps he'll do just that as well.  I don't have a problem with what he did.  I'd have liked to have seen other regular citizens doing the same.  It's about time people started calling officials out for this shit rather than just letting them blather on with thoughts and prayers.

    There wasn’t anyone else, probably because when your community is hit with something like this, your first instinct is not to make it political. It’s more like shocked grief.

    There were a lot of people on that stage. Guarantee some of those locals lean left. There wasn’t a person cheering Beto’s theatrics. 

    He is the only outsider who cared enough to drive to Uvalde to make a spectacle of himself. He knew it wouldn’t accomplish anything. He did it for the national fundraising and the Twitter likes. Just the truth. 

    • Fuck You 7
  10. 4 minutes ago, Serak The Preparer said:

    @HeHateMe @BabaYaga @Immaculate Vibes and others who keep talking about hardening or reimaging schools - it is nonsensical.


    As @TXSG8R put it in another thread:

    A voluntary 1% increase in tax (as HeHateMe) suggested doesn't even begin to approach a solution. Anyone suggesting the solution is hardening schools is the equivalent of Michael Scott screaming "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY". Either we do something about access to guns or we say killing kids is the price of freedom.

    I’ve offered no such comments. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    What policy's specifically negate crazy?  Because this fuck nut was crazy.  Bullied at school.  Multiple fights.  Cut up and carved up his own face.  Murdered his grandmother.  Led the police on a chase to a school.

    They keep going after schools ala copycat killers because the schools are "soft".  You want bipartisan support?  Harden the schools.  Not turn them into prisons, but fund ways to better lock them down.  Apparently this was an older design, with doors that led directly to the outside.  No inner hallway.  He was able to go right in, and probably then lock the doors from the inside.

    But this guy was bat-crap crazy.  Who's to say his chase doesn't coincide with recess and he tries to plow his truck into a line of walking kids?  

    Yes the best way to describe it is it’s like a motel design. Classes are in wings and the classroom doors open to outside. 

    • Fuck You 2
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