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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Props to the night shift. My morning coffee catch up has now lasted about two hours.
  2. I know one Uber driver who could show you his.
  3. Yup. Let someone else take the hit of walking out of the store with a brand new guitar. He could sell it to you in the parking lot on the way out of the store and he'd still take a hit on the price.
  4. This is great advice all around. I gotta say, the OOO-28 is my favorite Martin. I have the Steve Miller model, which is essentially a OOO-28 with different inlays. I will never need another acoustic (though it doesn't mean I'll never get another). I have a 1962 Gibson Country Western model that is a great guitar, but it really doesn't lend itself to lead, rather just banging out cowboy cords. I love both but in different ways. But the Martin is my all around go too. Luckily I bought it from a pawn shop in Reno and it had the new knocked off it already, so I don't mind playing it out some.
  5. Another in a long list of weird guitars. You know, when you try and make the thing, that looks like the other thing, it never results in an attractive thing. But then again, I guess there's always Michael Anthony's Jack Daniels bass. https://reverb.com/item/70294634-pre-owned-fender-custom-shop-crown-royal-stratocaster-pamelina-h-collection Can we assume someone actually paid $12k to advertise for Crown Royal?
  6. Seconded, but then again, I have one of each. #notsohumblebrag
  7. Man I was really hoping this would turn into pics of hot mail order brides. Oh well, back go sub memes.
  8. They? Anyone with one synapse firing and a picture of that "submarine" knew.
  9. It's this kit: https://www.cjponyparts.com/borgeson-power-steering-conversion-kit-289-1965-1966/p/PSK11/?year=1965&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4s-kBhDqARIsAN-ipH0rPIW_ZkXfYbkR8wc5bcCDcVPGf3RndChFM8ypdRkJvZSIwAx5hxAaAl5MEALw_wcB
  10. Any Natashas in that group? Because I'm not seeing any pics, dammit.
  11. Whelp. This has all been very entertaining ladies and gents. Now it's on to the next self-inflicted stupid billionaire death. Elon, when you going all Rocket Man, man?
  12. Yeah, I get it. I just figured this was my only chance to get that little bit of trivia into a thread since I didn't use it in the death of Gordon Lightfoot/Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald thread.
  13. Coming from a long line of farmers, I'm here to tell you: Farmers. Get. Shit. Done. They get shit done.
  14. https://wfgr.com/old-whitey-continues-to-haunt-lake-superior-divers/
  15. "We didn't spend nearly as much as we thought, so we have cash for more boom materials." I can dig it.
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