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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Classic 30 is just a great all around amp.
  2. Because twitters is dying. I can't see any of them on my phone. On the laptop I can see them.
  3. That’s right, I remember you saying that. She’s priced it at $400 which seems reasonable to me. Would’ve made teenage me really happy. I just have no use for such a thing today.
  4. All the pedals are sold. She is still trying to sell his 70s vintage Acoustic 150 amp stack. Should probably go in the amp thread, but since you asked here: If anyone is interested I’ll put y’all in touch. Likely a Forney pick up. I doubt she’ll ship it.
  5. Yeah, but some are my friends and I just don’t know how to tell them.
  6. Perhaps. I wasn’t really looking for that.
  7. I this vein, I noticed that the https://liveuamap.com has not been as good of late. Not sure if it's because twitter is sucking, maybe they've lost sources? In any case, they don't seem to be as on top of it as in the past.
  8. And so too, apparently, Russian wounded. It's like it never stopped being 1915 for them.
  9. I'm afraid you're right. If it were any other sort of transaction in the world, I could send them back and say, "sorry, I don't do those smells anymore." But now they're just sitting out on my back porch airing out.
  10. Bumping this because I have a pedal problem. No, this isn't that kind of confession. I am not ready to concede that my pedal buying has gotten out of control. No, rather, this is a very specific issue. I have a long time friend from college who's husband passed away a couple years ago. He was pretty involved in the Denton music scene and had a fair bit of gear. She finally decided to part with some of it, and figuring I could both expand my collection and do a solid to an old friend, I bought a couple of the decedent's old pedals. Feeling pretty good about myself for a very modest act of charity combined with GAS, I was very pleased to find a package on my porch containing a moderately used MXR Phase 90 and a Bigshot ABY pedal. Here's the problem: they fucking reek of patchouli. I mean, it smells like Eeyore's Birthday party on steroids has inhabited these pedals. Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of this smell?
  11. Do they have a 2 guitar + drums set up? Jon Spencer Blues Explosion did that to great effect in the 90s.
  12. Say you know where where she lives. You’re going to follow her around alternately playing bagpipes and exclaiming to the world she’s a thief until she pays up. Church. Social clubs. Whatever. Then do it.
  13. Yup. Great show. And it wasn’t terribly hot once the sun went down.
  14. Looks like a Les Paulverizer to me. https://www.lespaulremembered.com/les-paulverizer_m.html
  15. Heeellll yes. Way to bump this thread like a boss. Beautiful color. Love it.
  16. Fuck man. Fuck this fucking mother fucking fuck. Fuck.
  17. Just gorgeous. I’ve always wondered how those Charlie Christian pick ups sound in person. What a score!
  18. Farmer: Eat a carrot dick, traitor. Segal: Don’t mind if I do!
  19. It could use some aesthetic editing.
  20. Hmm, quite a bit going on there.
  21. For the tl;dr crowd, that last sentence of the first paragraph...
  22. Maybe he went for a ride along in that Il-22M?
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