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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I must’ve missed the go fund me for the doxxer hero’s legal bills?
  2. That’s right. Paxton put 3m votes into Danny hand.
  3. What’s the back story here? Besides being an intelligent, accomplished African American woman, why is the moron threatened by her?
  4. Where'd you go to school? Same thing happened where I was (more or less). I felt bad for the kid. He had almost no English skills trying to make it in an American High School. He would pretend like he knew some unnamed martial arts pretending to be Bruce Lee or something whenever he was catching shit. The sheer craziness of it usually de-escalated whatever adolescent conflict was happening at the time. Everyone would just laugh and and walk away.
  5. So I’ve read about Old Rhinebeck since I was a kid and I finally made it last weekend. It’s a magical place if you’re into aviation. This is the oldest flying airplane in America. 1909 Bleriot XI. The oldest flying airplane is a Bleriot at the Shuttleworth Collection in England that’s two months older. These are pics from Saturday. It rained so there was no air show and I found a pilot who was kind enough to take me and Jr. through the hangars. I’ll post some air show pics in a bit.
  6. Bumparampamus. This place is like a spaceship on earth. I don’t want to leave.
  7. I never thought leopards would eat my face. - Judge Cannon, 2023 maybe.
  8. In the meantime, Ukraine will have cobbled together a squadron of attack Li-2s.
  9. When you retire, it should be there for the next person.
  10. Lulz. 1966 World Book checking in.
  11. Saw this beauty out and about today.
  12. Feel the point of this Longhorn. Or “Just the tip.”
  13. Same. Looking forward to it. Always a good show.
  14. It would be a pretty delicious bite of FAFO if they did though.
  15. Do they have a wound G or unwound G?
  16. “Has a thing for virgins.” Pfft. They’re the only ones who’ll stick around and not laugh when he whips his micro peen out.
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