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Radical Larry

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Radical Larry

  1. As an analyst? Damn right this old is happy about that.
  2. Richard, who’s your favorite little rascal? Alfalfa or is it Spanker?
  3. ESPN alert just said he’s in negotiations to take the Bama job.
  4. Went to HEB earlier to pick up a few things, and the panic shopping is in full force.
  5. Don’t let him leave campus. Just move all his shit in while he’s taking a tour.
  6. Recruiting news now goes on the Best Buy Coupons board.
  7. No, but some people are acting like the program is on the verge of collapse.
  8. Seriously thought Roy was going to shoot Gator, and the YMCA scene gave me a good laugh.
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